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Congratulations to Jasbon Andrade

Every year the University of Bangalore in Karanataka recognizes their outstanding students who have done well in their academic studies with the Kuvempu Award.  Kuvempu was a well-known poet who received national recognition for his poetry and is known as “Vishwamanava- Rastrakavi Kuvempu”.

During the school year 2004-2005 Jasbon Andrade, an outstanding and brilliant student of Christ College in Bangalore, became a recipient of this prestigious award. He was honored and given the Kuvempu Award at a function held at Kedwai Memorial Cancer Institute in Bangalore. He secured First class in the S.S.L.C. (10th standard) exam conducted by the Education Board of Bangalore University.

When I was home visiting my beloved hometown of Barkur in January of 2006 I visited with my nephew Jasbon and congratulated him for his achievements in his studies. He said he enjoys his studies and always ranks first in his class.

He was born on February 9, 1989. He is studying in the 1st year P.U.C. (pre-university course) in Christ Junior College. His science major includes physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology. He plans is to become a Doctor. After completing junior college he will go for further studies at St. John’s Medical College and Hospital in Bangalore. When he completes his MBBS he plans to specialize in cardiology.

He is the son of Jerald and Janet Andrade who settled in Bangalore years ago. He has a younger brother Jason who is very good in sports and has received medals in various sports events conducted in their school.

I am proud of my 2 nephews Jasbon and Jason and congratulate their parents for the ongoing support and guidance they provide their beloved sons. May God continue to bless this wonderful family, and also that Jasbon’s dream of becoming a doctor to serve God and His people will come true.

Fr. Tony Andrade.07/03/2006

Yes,  you rightly deserve appreciation, it is half a dozen like minded group, run the website for the general good of Barkurians. Once you committed to the cause, it become duty to refresh the columns, pages regularly. You have beautiful sections, but rarely many of them get fresh air. Nevertheless it is our routine to open the  everyday, many a times.

Mr. Fernandes spelled out few good points and many like me responded quickly to congratulate and add whenever something sensible, interesting useful, new matter appeared over here. But there is nothing worth or old wine in new bottles, felt it is not expected to patronize just for the sake of acknowledging, some dry and boring articles. Of course this is personal view point. At last let me be frank, there are few good writers still, but couple of them nagging - writing on the wall crystal and need not take names. There is always room for improvement, and I am an optimistic Barkurian, encourage Kishoo, Barkur in his every sincere effort. God bless you all.

Vincent D'Souza. 07/03/2006


(Both the brothers are busy serving the Lord and His people in the profession and the vocation they are called to serve.)

We wish you a very happy birthday and many happy returns of the day. May God bless you in everyway and continue to guide your paths in serving Him and His people here on earth. We assure you of our prayers and support.

With best wishes and prayers from:

Andarde family Barkur, Staff and the clients of Allina Clinical Lab and Allina Gift shop, Sasthan, Staff  and  Parishioners  of St. Thomas the Apostle Church, St. Paul MN (USA).04/03/2006

“Let there be water under the bridge!” Even the Minneapolis folks talk about this bridge. Great, we will have a bridge by July, 2006. Now let me play with the word bridge as an optimist!

If the bridge is not ready by July, I am not going break anyone’s bridge! (The upper bony ridge of the human nose) ‘I’ am a peace loving man! If the bridge is not ready by July, I am not going to send the responsible persons to a dentist to get a bridge work done! I ‘AM’ a peace loving man! On the day on which this bridge is thrown open to public, shall we play bridge on this bridge? I need a minimum of four people though. No gambling though!

“A bridge is nothing but a simple structure spanning and providing passage over an obstacle, such as a water way!” I got this from a dictionary! And yet, it gives such an international problem! My eye glasses/spectacles have a bridge too!

Yes, I had to offer 'something' to this topic of bridge. That' all. "Kaam nathullo Aachaari?" Hi Kishoo, do you think we can afford to distribute some laddoos/mitthai on this day?

James Fernandes, USA, 04/03/2006


It is a story of most of the sites confined to small places, churches, etc.  Beginning all are enthusiastic and plenty of visitors gradually, many leaving and the best only remaining. So Barkuronline progressing itself is an achievement.  Sites like Daiji /maibhas an exception.

So don't worry and be happy, Barkuronline done and still doing a wonderful job. To the best of my understanding this is one doing very good job, in presenting, its language, contents, coverage, unbiased, secular, well organised, professional  compared to so many.......just have a look at them daily they are cropping in and same way disappearing.

My request to Mr Kishore is continue the job -  don't compromise on quality, the hallmark of your site. Try to rope in few more quality writers in your town - like teachers, bank employees, social workers and who are pursuing higher studies.

Village to college Scheme itself a special one - when it comes to money, many have their own plans and priorities. Mr Fernandes is doing it, that itself a selfless service. Meanwhile do publish his articles simplified one in the general use.

MM ALVARES. 04/03/2006

Fond Remembrance

John Mascarenhas
Birth 18/06/1954 Died 11/02/2006

Though you are not among us today we know that you watch us and pray for us from Gods paradise.
We cherish the fond memories of the past, which will remain with us forever.


May his soul rest in peace. A tribute of love from
Wife Rita, Daughter Reshma, Mother Carmine, and all family members. Barkur,27/02/2006

Hi Barkurian Viewers:

Have you opened the "Village to College" website lately? It is not only soliciting donations, it's also depicting the growth of Barkur College, (with live pictures), and of some less fortunate Barkurian children.

I had no idea, Barkurians are misers! We can be misers to share a meal. We can be misers to lend a loan. We can be misers to share a otherwise rotting mango. We can be misers to exercise charity in kind, cash, time, or energy! But why should we be miser to spare an encouraging kind word? Why should we be misers to acknowledge and appreciate other Barkurians, especially when one does a good action, other than helping ones own kith and kin? Yes, it takes charity, it takes generosity, it takes more than to be Barkurian!

How many Kudos does Kishoo get? Someone told me "Let him get out of the dream!" I too thought he must be a web designer. But when I see the CDS on Expressions, the CD on Stenita, I can admire the silent roles this Kishoo plays in Barkur region. What kudos Archie gets for all his rich, thought provoking articles on contemporary issues? Why there is not one appreciative good word for all that Fr. Tony does? He does not have to do you know! Why there is no acknowledgement for all that my brother Gabriel does, zeal close to his heart? In 1964, he presented a paper when Pope Paul VI came to Bombay on "Eucharistic Congress" on "Back Yard Poultry Farming," to cut down poverty or hunger problems? Have you read his resume? Have you read the list of his publications, forget about the published articles! I can believe why Christ said, "No prophet is acknowledged in the land of his birth!" Fortunately, Gabriel has surpassed the stage of looking for applause! He has risen much above than that. By the way, brother, those publications are beyond my ability of comprehension!

My preoccupation to quench my hunger does not allow me to understand how the mango slices with the skin or the fish are broken down in the digestive track to reduce cardiovascular damage! What praises Mr. Sudhakar Shetty gets? What praises the politician Mr. Hegde gets? They deserve more. Someone acknowledged Sudhakar's brother though. Are we misers to spit out some kind words, which cost us nothing? I read in 'Pedruchi Chaavi' that Dr. Derrick D'Souza (London) spends money on accident victims in Barkur region. Of course, he never publicly announced this. But at least I can say, "Good Job" Doc. This did not bring down my bank balance at all!

Similarly, Mr. VL Roche, the ICYM, the St Peter's Association in Bombay, All those folks away from Indian soil, the various Schools, Temples, the Church, colleges, the nuns, the farmers, the gurkars, the priests and pundiths, the businessmen, and all those who take credit for someone else's efforts without spending a ruvi, I salute them all. It's an art to steal credit! "No, when we praise others we do not demean ourselves!"

James Fernandes, USA, 27/02/2006

It’s typically Indian culture Mr. Fernandez – ‘atithi devobhava’. By the way do our Indian friends visiting US, Europe do receive such reception??

Of course US Dollars, Pounds and Euros have more purchasing power, so the possessor deserve or eligible for more respects!!

Are we, especially Mangalorean Catholics, are more fascinated by Western culture or color!?

Personally, it’s not a big event - few from richest country in the world visiting Barkur or so… there may be some 30 families of Barkurian origin in US today, out of some 3.22 million Indians in US.

Your spicy pages really good, put the contributor’s names if available. Their creativity needs a pat. Hall of famous needs an update. About Barkur Temples / and history matured articles expected.  It is big relief to read the progress of Bridge and new technology introduced.

Philip Richard, 27/02/2006

Congratulation to Rony & Delphine.

Fr.Tony with Rony and Delphine. Delphine with Ria Lisa

Last year in the month of January Rony and Delphine were united in the Holy Matrimony. As I recall last years happy event in our Andrade family, this year I want to congratulate this wonderful couples having their first born  baby girl and welcome another new member in our Andrade family a baby girl "RIA LISA ANDRADE".

Those of us who were part of the wedding celebration last year will not forget that wonderful celebration surrounded by people of all faith community to congratulate Rony and his newly married bride Delphine. Our local MLA Mr. Jayaprakash Hegde was also part of that solemn celebration.        

Now Rony works in Dubai and Delphine works at home.  In the name of all of our Andrade family in and around the world and from our St. Thomas the Apostle Parish community in St. Paul MN (USA) I congratulate Rony and Delphine and wish them the very best for the future. At the same time I assure them my prayers may the Lord who united them in this wonderful sacrament of marriage continue to bless them each and everyday of their life. With love and blessings 

Fr. Tony Andrade and the parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle St. Paul MN (USA). 26/02/2006

Happy Anniversary, Rony and Sharmila. I liked your medical article in Pedruchi Chaavi. It's not easy to find medical terms in Konkanni, but you pulled it well.

By the way whose face is that on the coconut tree shown in the background of your family picture? Looks like a one eyed pirate, with an open mouth and white cotton goatee beard? Or, is it that "the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder?"

James Fernandes, USA, 26/02/2006

Happy Wedding Anniversary

Dear Rony and Sharmila

Ronald and Sharmila Andrade (23/02)

Wish you a Happy Wedding Anniversary. As we congratulate you on this special happy occasion we also pray that God bless you and your beloved children, Resha and Patrick everyday of your life. Remember always "what God has joined, no one must divide." May the Lord who united you in this Holy matrimony continue to bless you and keep you in His loving care.

With prayerful wishes:-

Andrade family, Barkur Fr. Tony and the Parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle parish, St. Paul MN (USA),23/02/2006

I found this website very interesting as well as I appreciate the work. Specially in this month in the column of "HALL OF FAME" I could remember my uncle ( my mother's brother-in-law) Late Mr. Gregory Fernandes. Keep doing the good work.

Austin Deepak Pinto, Pandeshwar . Sasthan, 23/02/2006

Thank you Fr. Tony for putting Barkur in Tourist's map. From the travel log, it's quite evident that your three parishioners enjoyed their trip to Barkur, Sasthan, Udupi, and Mangalore. I admire your initiative.

A Barkurian is prepared to donate One Lakh Rupees towards purchasing a new plot for a cemetery. He is not interested in my futile talk such as the Way of the Cross or Condominiums! Fine with me, it was like building castles anyway, in a land of 352 temples! He is interested in burying the dead horizontally, one person per reserved grave, not vertically one above the other, in the same grave. If there are more donors, we could take up the matter with St. Peter's Church authorities/committee and with the Parish priest. Any comments?

James Fernandes, USA, 23/02/2006

Photographer Mr. Stephen Lewis is a wonderful person indeed. Video, CD, Photos, Albums and everywhere one can notice his niche. A man for all seasons and occasions, a special quality I admire is - his mixing talent. During Wedding or funerals he recognizes and  respect the concerned. I also read about his daughter in news papers / sites. Congratulations!!!

Philip Richard P.14/02/2006

It is a big news to see post envelopes covering twin monuments of old Barkur - Kalchapra and Kattale Basadi. Hope more efforts will follow to preserve these and other landmarks.

Kum Sushma is a pot of undisputed talents filled. Hope she will get ample opportunities to exhibit her talent. Stephan Lewis of Mayura, Saligrama, a beautiful narration of childhood - teenage - adult and a perfect art-businessman. One can see his art-face in his monumental photographs clicked for this site. Students of Hanehalli School is roaring with wonders, good P.T sir and HM Rao must be honored for its glory.

VINCENT D'SOUZA. 14/02/2006

At least once a year we pray for Peace and Prosperity. But why every year, and year after year? Does this mean, "I have to say something?"

James Fernandes, USA, 13/02/2006

I was fortunate to watch the video of the programme Expressions 2005 by the The Expressions last week. Thanks to all who contributed for a great performance and not to forget the  The Expressions core team (Kishoo, Praveen, Eric, Steven ...)who obviously as always do a great job for the Konkani community.  Cheers

Rebellos, Bangalore, 13/02/2006

"Wise men have something to say; fools have to say something." From my inbox.

James Fernandes, USA,10/02/2006

I am a Barkurian and studied in NJC. Presently I am in Muscat and I am glad to see a website on Barkur. It is really nice effort to connect people.

Yogish Honnavar, Muscat, 10/02/2006

Twin Bridges connecting  Moodahadu &  Bennekudru ??  I can't believe it!! Bennekudru and Moodahadu kudru residents must be excited about it, that includes myself too.   It's like heart in your mouth walking down the present wooden hanging bridge, a real danger zone, the last time during my recent visit to my homeland.

It was kind of relief at the end of my cross over.  Is the bridge  going to be built at the same location? May be, my good friend Mr. James  can shed some light.

As for connecting to Bennekudru, can some one elaborate little bit, on the location, vehicular use, etc. would  be  very much appreciated.

Joe Martis, USA. 08/02/2006

Congratulations to Hilda and Norbert Menezes on their 25th Wedding Anniversary. May the good Lord shower blessings on your family and keep you happy & healthy.

Agnes and Joe Martis, USA. 08/02/2006

Happy Birthday

Praveen and Sushma Carvalho (7th February)

Dear Praveen and Sushma

Wish you a very happy birthday and many many happy returns of the day. May Almighty God Bless you. From

Habbu, Maria & Keith, Barkur. 07/02/2006

Many Many Happy returns of the day dear Praveen and Sushma,  and wishing God's choicest blessings on you.

The Expressions, 07/02/2006

Wishing you a very happy birthday and many many more happy returns of the day

Anirudh, Marina and Kishoo, Barkur, 07/02/2006

Hello Lawyer Prabhu: Kudos like yours keep us going. Without much man power, I guess, has done a reasonable service. Thank you. There is an article about Budaan Saheb in Archie's corner. Yes, we will feature Mr. Y. Mohandas  Kamath.

Hi MMA: I gave some tips to multiply your money. Now let me get down to further details. That resort I talked about? If 18 rooms are planned, each room can be owned by one two owners, by paying the cost of building it, like cooperative society, or condominiums. Some could be rented out. The resort could be run by local one or two families, with honest record keeping, who are willing to work with their hands, legs, eyes, nose, ears, and knees for about 18 hours a day! 40% of the rent each room earns should suffice to run the place, like electricity, water, cleaning, dusting, garden etc, and the custodians salary for maintenance. The other 60% is 'in return' to the owner of each room!

This owner can reserve his room for vacation for a month for him/herself, and have quiet vacation hassle free, without hearing the complaints our chocolates are missing. With sufficient advertisements, all these rooms can be full for 9 out of 12 months a year, Tourists will be attracted, Oh, well, do I have to jot each detail?

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. One who has money, can multiply, which is great, however, to be something from nothing... who cares? May be Eison can elucidate on this? Can the local businessmen look into this? This is theory.

Reality and practicality are different, like this: Last year, I ran 100 yards in 10 seconds. This year, I took 9 seconds. At this speed of running faster by 1 second per year, statistically by drawing a graph, I should finish 100 yards dash in ONE second, in the year 2014!

Do we have a map of Barkur, to help a tourist? Or he has to rely on local a paanwala?

James Fernandes, USA, 07/02/2006

All the new articles viz new POM, MS Sushma, new update about Stephen Lewis, new advices on Finance, for them who have it, news of MVR's English School etc added fresh energy into the site.

No one come back on Pedruchi Chavi, why you didn’t liked Kuwait Special?  or not received your copy. Wonderful work of Ronie, Silvan and Joseph Leo, thank you once again.

Feliciana, Kuwait, 07/02/2006

Happy 10th Birthday

Arnold Strafford Furtado (6th February)

Best wishes for a wonderful 10th  birthday, dearest Arnold Strafford Furtado. Many Happy returns of the Day, and many many more to come.

Mummy Selma, Daddy Archibald and sister Anusha Sharon Furtado.
Grand parents -
Richard and Treasa Furtado, Nagermutt, Barkur
Peter and Gretta Lewis, Uppoor, Kallianpur.
God Parents   
William and Wilma Rego, Nejar, Santhekatte. Also best
wishes from near and dear ones. Barkur/Muscat 06/02/2006

Hi Kishoo & team, I was recently told about and visited the site to encounter a pleasant surprise! A website professionally designed and developed - my congratulations to the team!

Barkur is pretty close to my heart. My mother is from Barkur so obviously; my childhood had a lot to do with Barkur. When I was studying law at Udupi from 1988 to 1993, I stayed at Barkur at Mr. Mohandas Kamath's home and passed out as a lawyer. Mrs. Anjani Kamath is my aunt and Sushma is my sister and that's how I came to know about this site as I was told that Sushma was featured as the personality of the month!

During my stay at Barkur, I was fascinated by a lot of things that Barkur possessed. The main thing was the history that was attached to Barkur. That a Jain king ruled Barkur and that his possessions (including his bedding) were still available at a particular temple at Barkur. Also that a fort of the king was now a ruin and we used to play cricket out there! The bath place of the Queen, the stable for the King's horses, everything now lay in the ruins! The Jain Basadi, the historical pond, the fort, Barkur has a lot and more of history to it, than meets the eye. I only wish someone could capture all this and when there's a website dedicated to Barkur, I would obviously look up to it to capture all this.

I would also suggest that you look into some of the well-known personalities that you may not have featured on the website. My uncle Y. Mohandas Kamath (Sushma's father) is a well-known philanthropist himself and has that reputation in the neighboring areas; so was the Late Barkur Budaan Saheb, who was a well-known artiste in the entire South Kanara district. Where are they featured?

There are a lot of people who grew out of Barkur and are well-settled elsewhere who may have lot to contribute about Barkur. I suggest you contact them, solicit their views, comments, etc., and feature them on the website.

Last but not the least, don't become a closed for-a-few website, but capture the bigger picture that exists. Because Barkur is not just a place but is a phenomenon, and I would like to see you capture the most of it.

Thanks and regards,

Venkatesh Prabhu , Bangalore, 06/02/2006

I think, for those tired of watching old faces on the welcome page, it is Shushma, enthralls the visitor. Her achievements are simply superb. Portrait maker’s story is wonderful, he too have the merits to be a POM. Congratulations both of you. If Money is there it multiply itself the saying says, let us have tips to earn money first.

MM ALVARES,, 06/02/2006


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