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Happy Birthday

Maegan Martis
D/O Premila and Ivan Martis, Mumbai

Wishing you a very happy birthday and many many more returns of the day. Loving wishes from

Dad and Mom, Mumbai. Also wishes from,

Nelli and George Martis, Kudru
Stevan, Jenifer and Alita , Kuwait/Barkur
Shanthi, Milton and Swedal, Mumbai
Anita, Austin and Dillon, Goa
Johnson, Dubai and
Roshan, Barkur,12/07/2006

PLEASE MAKE IT A POINT TO VISIT THE MAP AND WONDERFUL PLACES AROUND BARKUR -LIVE PHOTOGRAPHS - wikimapia - beautiful and informative site - tell about this to your children and have perfect geographical knowledge.

Felciana D'Silva, Kuwait, 14/07/2006

Hi MM Alvares: You mentioned, "good number of Barkurians donated generously to bring out the best (June 6) issue possible." Glad to see such generosity and unity. Hi fives to Barkurians. Kishoo, Congratulations for being the Vhodlo Mhanis, the Ankyacho Vekthi. Happy belated birthday to your son

James Fernandes,USA,13/07/2006

Dear Anirudh Kishore Gonsalves,

Many many happy returns of the Day. God bless you.

Yogesh Kunder & Family, Surathkal- (m)9819621223, 12/07/2006

A hardworking fellow with meager income had to see a physician because his neighbor goes to a doctor often! The physician sent him to a dentist, to an ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, a podiatrist, pathologist, for x-ray, and finally to a psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist diagnosed him as 'Workaholic.' Actually the poor fellow started the  second job just to pay all those bills. What a life!

James Fernandes, USA, 12/07/2006

Yes Mr James Fernandes I do share your feelings.... In these days many of our friends  keeping silence....messages forum which can be used for multi purpose....but not utilised by our readers....

I had a copy of Pedruchi Chavi June 06, wherein good number of Barkurians donated generously to bring out the best issue is Saudi Arabians this time....

It is my personal feeling - instead of binding a thick book only twice in a year make it Four times, as you used to do earlier, even fewer pages will be acceptable. Once you have a look at the income and expenditure Account given in this issue, I don't think any financial constraints are there....!? Eric Soans and his Team have to take little pain to apply themselves, bit frequently, which in my opinion they were happily doing as done in the past.

At last, I am very happy to see Kishoo Barkur, our Host as Ankyachi Vyakti - Congratulations!!!!


Happy Birthday

Anirudh Sean Gonsalves
S/O Marina and Kishoo, Barkur

Wishing you very very happy birthday and many more happy returns of the day. May Almighty God shower his choicest blessings on you. With lots of love and kisses from,

Mom and Dad, Barkur. Also wishes from

Mrs. Florine Gonsalves, Barkur

Mrs . Josephine, Mr. Alphonse and Anson Gonsalves, Mumbai

Mrs. Gretta, Mr. Staney, Sydney, Shiney and Sunny Lewis, Barkur

Mrs. Jacintha, Mr. John, Alwyn, and Adrick D’Almeida, Mumbai

Mrs. Zeeta, Mr. James and Pearl and Carol Gonsalves, Barkur

Mrs.Veera, Mr. John and Viona Gonasalves, Mumbai

Mrs. Ophelia, Mr. Simon, Shelton and Stalin , Muscat, 11/07/2006

Once, a rich rice farmer complained that the neighbor’s coconut trees were causing too much shade on the attached rice field thus his yields were falling low. The rich farmer asked the neighbor to cut down the trees. But the neighbor ignored the request, how could he cut down his only livelihood?

The farmer went to a lawyer. The matter was taken up by the courts at the farmer’s expense. Even after several years of debate, the courts could not ask the coconut trees be cut down, legally. The poor neighbor offered to buy the rice farm, as a compromise. But the rich farmer doubled the market price hence the neighbor could not afford to buy. No one else wanted this land of
dispute even for free.

The coconut trees said, “Don’t kill us. What can we do? Our shadow follows us even if we don’t go anywhere! But, there are no shadows at night. The rice grows anyway.” Isn’t life a paradox? Can we learn from these trees?

James Fernandes,USA,11/07/2006

"Wake up, Sir." said the nurse shaking the sleeping patient.

"What's the matter? What's wrong?" asked the startled patient. "Nothing. I just forgot to give you the sleeping pills."

Alas. They give sleeping pills to the ones who are sound asleep. But, not to the sleepless ones who are in need. How paradoxical? "Michael Jordan is presented with 12 pair of Nike shoes." Little Kunta Kinte has none, even if he begs for one.

A friend of mine told me the other day. "The lay person administering the Holy Communion searched for a broken piece of Host for me, while all the rest in the chalice were full wholesome circles."

Thank God, that the breeze is accessible to all, irrespective of class, race, color, rich or poor. If you invite guests, treat all of them equally. Don't insult the less fortunate, less educated, or less good looking. Discrimination is here to stay! Right?

The more we change, the more it stays the same. From my inbox as usual, honest.

James Fernandes,USA,10/07/2006

"During the last 53 years some 190 people have died in trying to reach the top of a mountain!"

I, in my self satisfying obsession to be the first one to congratulate,  I pressed the ‘send’ button with this cut and paste message, “Congratulations! Best of luck in your future endeavors!|" How sad that I can’t undo this send button!

Yes, folks, just because some self proclaiming so called economically rich upper class, from hearsay label a village idiot a robber, it does not mean he is a robber. Just because he kept accounts as a treasurer by spending his own stamps and envelopes, it does not mean he can  be accused to have swindled the money. Just because he bought cigarettes, it does not mean he is a chain smoking cancer invalid. Just because he drinks, it does not mean he is a nuisance drunkard. Just because he writes these things, it does not mean he is a disgrace to his community. Just because he sends some ‘cut and paste’ to, it does not mean, he is idle and a devil’s workshop! Sky is the limit for imagining sour grapes.

The rowdy boys went on kicking a dog, as above. The whining of the dog attracted a pride of hungry tigers who ate these boys in three pieces. Nothing was left for burial services.

Now folks, don’t you have something positive to say? Where are you folks who kept this site lively with your timely observations,: MM Alvares, Philip Richard, Felciana, Diana, Nagarkar, Baskar Poojary, Barkurghar, Charles Lewis, Archie, Fr. Tony, Vincent D ’Souza and the equally important others? I can hear your thoughts; can we all read them here? Thanks folks, I need a vacation.

James Fernandes,USA,08/07/2006

Map website very useful and one can locate all the places, property landmarks etc very easily and precisely. Thanks for the information. Happy to note the publication of Pedruchi Chavi. Congratulations to new POM, a deserving gentleman of the place!

MM ALVARES, , 08/07/2006

Saudi Arabian Barkurians deserve more praises as they took the brave step of financing the June issue of Pedruchi Chavi. Mr.Lancy Almeida and his group worked hard to contact people and outcome is good. Let Qatar based Barkurians if possible come out to take up the December issue!

Once again, it was Muscat based Barkurgar, some two years back took this initiative, first now completing a full round.

Felciana D'Silva, Kuwait. 08/07/2006

Hello Antony D'Souza, Barkur, UK,

Thank you for the links. I felt like I was vacationing in Barkur! It's amazing to note that so many spots, bridges, towns or religious places are identified neatly. [I navigated from Kasargod to Goa, so far.] Now I know what it means to be an ,"Arm-Chair Explorer!" Thanks again, Tony!

One fine day two Crabs came out from their home to take a stroll on the sand. "Child," said the mother, "you are walking very ungracefully. You should accustom yourself, to walking straight forward without twisting from side to side." "Pray, mother," said the young one, "do but set the example yourself, and I will follow you." Example is the best precept.

James Fernandes, USA, 07/07/06

Antony Prakash's poem is nice. Its well written and tells about the history of Barkur and an inspiration to all the poets in Barkur,

Shiney Lewis, Bennekudru, Barkur, 06/07/2006

Mr.Antony's poem is too good. It is not a mere "subjective" poem, but a well studied and made presentation giving a brief insight into the history of Barkur. But, Antony, write in your "own" style in future. Hope you will come out with a publication, soon. All the best.

Rocky Quadres, 05/07/2006

A smart little boy took his cat for a walk. The cat heard some Greyhounds' chasing footsteps way behind.

The cat said, "The Greyhounds are chasing us. I know just one trick to save myself. What are you going to do?"

The boy said, "I have read ancient books and I am taught by the best of teachers of my superior caste. I know a hundred tricks to escape from the stupid dog chase."

The dogs pounced on both of them. The cat jumped straight up in the air backwards and escaped. The boy is admitted in the City Hospital.

"A single simple answer is better than hundred brilliant solutions."

James Fernandes, USA, 04/07/2006

I am very happy to see the web site. Somehow I searched it in Google. I born and brought up in Nagarmath. Thanks,

Chandra Poojari, Nagarmath, 04/07/2006

Ella Barkurinavarigu namaskaraglu. Oorinalli male hegide?, Setuve hegide. ?

Subrhamanya Chethan Rao B, 04/07/2006 is like the Sea: "The sea never sends an invitation to the rivers. That's why they run to the sea. The sea is content. It doesn't want anything. That's the secret in life. If you run after things, nothing will come to you. Let things run after you."

"Idle mind is a workshop, devil's workshop!". Any comments, only if you are not idle!

From my inbox, of course. I can not make up such brilliant thoughts!

James Fernandes, USA, 03/07/2006

The website is really wonderful. Thanks

Shankar Nadoor,,01/07/20076


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