
Lavanya Poojari, Barkur from Smt. Rukmini Shedthi Memorial National College Tops M.Sc Physics

News: Anand Kumar Barkur, Photo: Subhanu Barkur

Barkur, June 12, 2024: In a remarkable achievement that has brought immense pride to the Smt. Rukmini Shedthi Memorial National Government First Grade College, Barkur, Lavanya Poojari, a student of M.Sc Physics, has secured the coveted first rank in the postgraduate examinations conducted by Mangalore University.

Lavanya's exceptional academic performance has been met with resounding acclaim and congratulations from the entire college community. The College Development Committee, Principal Dr. Ramesh Achar, Student Welfare Officer Harish C.K., the Alumni Association, Teachers' Association, non-teaching staff, and her fellow students have all expressed their heartfelt appreciation for her outstanding accomplishment.

This remarkable feat is a testament to Lavanya's unwavering dedication, hard work, and passion for the subject. Her achievement not only reflects her academic brilliance but also serves as an inspiration to her peers and aspiring students across the region.

The college authorities have wholeheartedly praised Lavanya's success, stating that it is a source of immense pride and motivation for the institution. They have expressed their sincere congratulations to the talented student and wished her continued success in her future endeavors.

Lavanya's achievement has also garnered widespread admiration from the local community, with well-wishers and supporters extending their heartfelt congratulations and blessings for her future endeavors.

As Lavanya Poojari basks in the glory of her remarkable accomplishment, the Smt. Rukmini Shedthi Memorial National Government First Grade College, Barkur, stands as a beacon of academic excellence, nurturing and inspiring young minds to reach their full potential.

The college community and the people of Barkur extend their warmest wishes to Lavanya, expressing their hope that this success will be the stepping stone to greater heights and that she will continue to bring laurels to her alma mater and the region.

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