
SVVN English Medium School Reopens with a Festive Celebration for the Academic Year 2024-25

-News n Pics : Bridgit Gonsalves

Barkur, June 4, 2024 - The SVVN English Medium School reopened its doors to students for the new academic year 2024-25 with a grand and festive celebration. The school premises were adorned with vibrant decorations, and the students were warmly welcomed by the staff, who showered them with flower petals as they entered the campus.

The stage program commenced with a prayer by Vaishnavi Bhat, a 6th standard student, setting a spiritual tone for the event. Mrs. Madhushree Rao, a respected faculty member, extended a cordial welcome to the esteemed guests present at the occasion.

The program was inaugurated by Mr. Rajaram Shetty, the correspondent and president of the event, who lit the ceremonial lamp. In his speech, Mr. Shetty emphasized the significance of the occasion and expressed his delight in witnessing the festive atmosphere. He encouraged the students to embrace the new academic year with enthusiasm and dedication.

Mr. Ramachandra Kamath, the correspondent of I.T.I, graced the event as a special guest. In his address, he reminded the students of the importance of preserving their cultural rituals and customs, urging them to stay connected to their roots while pursuing their educational goals.

To invoke the blessings of Goddess Saraswathi, the deity of knowledge, Abhinav Udupa from standard 8 performed a traditional worship ceremony. The devotional atmosphere created by the worship set a positive and auspicious tone for the academic year ahead.

The program was divided into three engaging sessions. Mrs. Likitha Kotary, the Head Mistress, provided valuable guidance to the students, encouraging them to actively participate in every activity and make the most of the opportunities provided by the school. As a gesture of welcome, newly admitted students were greeted with flowers, making them feel accepted and appreciated as part of the SVVN family.

The event was further enriched by the melodious bhajans sung by the students, invoking the blessings of Goddess Saraswathi. The soulful renditions added to the spiritual ambiance of the celebration.

Mrs. Bridget Gonsalves and Mrs. Sujatha Rai, the section heads, addressed the students, emphasizing the importance of discipline and adherence to school rules. They motivated the students to strive for excellence in both academics and extracurricular activities.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Poornesh and Deekshitha from standard 10, expressing gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of the program.

The event was seamlessly conducted by Mrs. Nagarathna Hebbar, Mrs. Aparna Bhat, Mrs. Pavithra, and Andria Mascarenhas from standard 10, who demonstrated exceptional leadership and organizational skills.

The reopening celebration of SVVN English Medium School set a positive and inspiring tone for the academic year 2024-25. With a blend of spiritual rituals, cultural elements, and academic guidance, the school embarked on a promising journey of learning and growth. The students, staff, and management are excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, and they are committed to making this academic year a resounding success.

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