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Picnic of The Expressions

It was a sojourn with the nature for all the members and the few invited guests of ‘The Expressions’ a name synonymous with the quality entertainment programmes in and around Barkur, as the group organized a picnic on 24th August to ‘Seethanadi Resort’ near Hebri , the point of origin for the River Seetha which flows in Barkur . The lush green surroundings of the place almost whispered into the ears of the visitors and the nature joined with them in their games, quizzes and anthakasharies in the form of light drizzle.

It was a day to be cherished long time in the future for the participants of the picnic organized by the group of like minded people ‘The  Expressions’ , formed couple of years back, shot into fame with  landmark entertainment programmes like Expressions 2000 and Sambhram

The merrymakers reached the forest resort at 11 pm and spent day with the nature with no strings attached till 5 pm. Mr. Eric Soans , Secretary and Mr. Prathap Shetty of Sahyadri Yuvaka Mandala, Moodahadu, Pandeshwar kept the group occupied with various games, quizzes and anthakshari. A sumptuous lunch and refreshments were provided by Mrs.Ruebena  And Mr. Denis Rodrigues of  Ms. Rodrigues Caterers, Sasthan, who are also the active members of The Expressions.

Mr. Praveen Carvalho, President welcomed the guests and members and Mr. Kishore Gonsalves, Cultural Secretary, proposed the vote of thanks.  

Bharatiya Vikas Trust

Bharatiya Vikas Trust (B.V.T.) hand in hand with K.M.C. Manipal, Medicines Department,  organised Medical Camp at Hosala, a team of Doctors, under the leadership of  Dr. Ramachandra Kamath. About 180 people benefited from the seminar.

It is the third consecutive year, such programmes are organised, to create health awareness, year after year becoming popular and useful to the local public.

News : Secretary, AYA Nagermutt.


Mr. Valerian Lewis, aged 69 years H/O Mrs. Freeda , (Brother of Late Gilbert, Late Igmatius, Late Cyprian, Late Franky, Late William, Late Dorothy, and Peter Lewis) , left to heavenly abode on 20th    August. Funeral was held on 21st at St. Peter’s Church, Barkur.

Seventh Day mass is on 26th August at 8.30 am. at Barkur Church.


Barkur Church

On 15th   August to mark respect to the Nation, the tri colour national flag was hoisted at St. Peter's Church Campus. In a simple programme organised by the ICYM Barkur unit,  Rev. Fr. Wilfred D'Souza unveiled the flag. Mr. Ivan Rebello, Secretary of St. Peter's Association, Mumbai and the President of ICYM Ex members' Association was the chief guest.

Mary knoll Higher Primary School

Mr. Ivan Rebello was the Chief guest and hoisted  the National Flag. An attractive programme was arranged by the students of the school. Free uniform was distributed to the students on that day.

Billava Samaja, Barkur

Mr. B. Jaru Poojary, a leading business man of Barkur hoisted the Tri colour National Flag and Mr. Narayan Poojary, Hon. President of the association delivered the independence day message. All the office bearers were present for the function.

Rotary Club, Barkur

Rt. Bhojaraj Shetty, President of the Rotary Club hoisted the National Flag at Rotary Bhavan at 9.00 a.m. on that day.

Mary knoll High School

Mr. Shekara Bangera, President of the Parent Teachers' Association hoisted the National Flag and the students exhibited many cultural programmes.

-Harry DSouza.

Hosala St. Lawrence ward celebrates Patron's Feast

On Sunday, 10th  August Hosala St. Lawrence ward of Barkur Parish celebrated its Patron's Feast. The main function  was held at Mary knoll High School, Barkur was attended by majority of the members of the ward and most of the local leaders were present.

During the programme all the elderly people from the ward aged 75 years and above were honoured by Rev. Fr. Sylvester D'Souza, Parish Priest. The children and the youth from the ward with their diversified activities such as dances, songs, jokes and skits made the day a memorable one. While the Gurkar Mr. Joseph Pinto welcomed the gathering, Mr. Staney Pais convener of the programme proposed vote of thanks. Mr. Eric Soans conducted the proceedings.

Billava Sangha, Barkur conducts Seminar on Self Employment

Billava Seva Sangha (R), Barkur, conducted seminar on Self Employment on 27th  July for the benefit of the un-employed youth of the Barkur and near by places. The Director of RUDSET, Brahmavar Mr. M. R. Mallya was the resource person and explained the various amenities whereby the educated youth can try to build their own future without depending upon the employment from the Government Departments.

The local Syndicate Bank Manager Mr. Rathnakar Udyavar and Corporation Bank Manager Mr. Narasimha Kudva were present for the seminar and gave the idea about availing financial help from the Banks for the purpose of establishing the various business firms. Mr. B. N. Jagannath Poojary, President, Mr. M. K. Palan, Treasurer Mr. Narayan Poojary, Hon. President were present during the occasion. Mr. Vasanth Poojary Champadi, Secretary welcomed the gathering, Joint Secretary Mr. Santhosh Uddalgudde proposed vote of thanks.

Rain Water Conservation Programme

I.C.Y.M. and Rotaract Club, Barkur jointly organised a seminar on "Rain Water Conservation Programme" at Mary knoll High School Auditorium on Wednesday, 13th   August. Prof. Richard Rebello, Retired Professor of Milagres College, Kallianpur explained the methods of saving the rain water  with lot of examples and stressed the need for conservation of the rain water.  With his unique way he captured the concentration of the participants.

Mrs. Eugene Quadros, Ex President of Hanehalli Panchayat inaugurated the seminar. Mr Alwyn D'Almeida, President, Mr. Satish Amin, Mrs. Norine Lobo, Sr. Leny Crasta, Superior, IHM Convent, Sr Vinitha, Head Mistress were present for the seminar. An Essay competetion will be held for the students of the Mary knoll High School on behalf of the organizers on the said issue.

-Harry Dsouza

Barkur, located in Udupi Taluk, Karnataka, India. 576 210

Copyright Kishoo, Barkur 2002.