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Happy Birthday

Joylan Fernandes (Barkur) Mumbai

Dearest Joylan,

Many Many happy returns of the Day. Have a Blessed and happy day. With lots of love from,

Keith, Maria & Habbu, Barkur.04/04/2006

Many Many Happy returns of the day dear Joylan,  and wishing God's choicest blessings on you.

Praveen, Sushma, Mummy and Papa, Barkur 04/04/2006

Wishing you a very happy birthday and many many more happy returns of the day

Anirudh, Marina and Kishoo, Barkur, 04/04/2006

To be frank, no one is using this site for personal glory. I guess, there is a slight cultural difference manifesting itself, by virtue of in imbibing the cultures of adopted countries. For example, 'most' of the Indian/Asian parents get upset if a child brings home a score of 'B' out of eight subjects, while all the rest of the scores are 'A's. There is hardly any appreciation for all those super 'A's. Where as, 'most' of the non-Indian/Asian parents keep the child on high pedestal for the single 'A' the child brings home, ignoring the rest of the scores, even a few of them are 'D's. They call it "Positive Reinforcement!" It does help the child, they say. Seems to be true, depending on the children, I guess.

A child could not sing at all. The teacher conveyed the message thus, "Tommy, you are being selected to represent the entire listening audience today! Take the best seat in the hall!"

James Fernandes, USA, 31/03/2006

Most of us may not send articles or any such things to this beautiful website, but that does not mean that there are no people who are not interested in this website. I am a avid reader of news updates, messages and the jokes column. I hardly miss a day without going through this website. Barkuronline brings us joy when a college is built or any such good things happen, and sadness, when the bridge is collapsed and the inconvenience caused to people, or when somebody expires. Barkuronline certainly helps NRB (Non Resident Barkurian) like me to get the news even when not there. Thanks to Barkuronline and may God bless!

Glen Coelho, 31/03/2006

Yes, indeed is very unique and has its own purpose and goals. I am very sorry for making such comments saying " is limping." I was upset the way some of the viewers of the web site were uptight with their attitude and sharing their opinions saying "using the web site for the personal glory" and so on. I apologize to Kishoo De Barkur the Web Master. He does a marvelous job and use his God given talents for the good of all of us. I am very grateful to him and his web site team. God bless them all.

Let us share our unique stories, articles, pictures, memories of our beautiful town of Barkur. May the web site continue to grow in its own style to meet the needs of people of Barkur who are spread around the world.

Fr. Tony Andrade De Barkur,Church of St.Thomas The Apostle ,2119 Stillwater Ave,St. Paul MN 55119, USA, 29/03/2006

Yes, MM Alvares: One of my Ex-bosses, Dr. R.R.Rao used to tell me, "Mr. Fernandes, you should have high ambitions, like reaching the top of Himalayas. If you have such ambition, at least you may reach at its bottom and admire the magnificence. Otherwise, you will never get out of Bombay, or North of Virar!"

Medical College, why not? Let's complete the regular college first! If only I were to win a large lottery. Yes, I do buy at least one ticket!

James Fernandes, USA, 29/03/2006

My brother and present PM of India Mr. SINGH born on same day. Now of same age, but entirely different. My brother is happy what he is. There is a difference in Managaloreans over the Globe and Barkurians around the world. Daiji Dubai is the former and latter is this site. My friend, twins born on same day not alike, but in appearance, so don't compare these two sites and its scope. An observer from Mumbai rightly put it.

By the way, if a certain family, people or organisation is focused nothing harm, but don't bore us. We like to hear, read and see our own frequently, natural. Understand Barkur on line have plenty of space, all are welcome to talk, introduce and exhibit their talents as Nagerkar opined.

One small request - Fr. Tony, please write on Fr. George Andrade who at present serve in Chickmagalore, an  exemplary priest of superb talents in conducting seminars and retreats. All the best,

MM ALVARES,,29/03/2006

Please do not compare the websites with Both these sites are unique and serve a different purpose altogether. Barkuronline, by design,  restricted itself  to Barkur and anything that is related to Barkur and stuck to its policy. And by doing so , its not limping in anyway as some of the observers pointed. Started as a online parish bulletin, it has come a long way and catering to the needs of mostly non resident Barkurians. Host of this site Kishoo, Barkur is actively involved with  and designs its Konkanni web pages. 

In my opinion , all needs is the active involvement  and inputs from  visitors. As far as I can see, this site has never refused to publish any material that was meant to be published even if it was negative in the context. Host and his team members are spending money from their pockets to run the show and almost beg people to send their wishes, greetings, opinions, etc which are published free of cost. So let us not discourage if somebody is using this facility more often than others  and encourage others to do so.

An observer, Mumbai, 27/03/2006

Good things are happening around Barkur as well in Barkuronline! The ongoing discussions, updates, news of College and messages.... all speak themselves.

One point made by Mr. Philip needs bit expansion - if the local people at Barkur recognise and notice what is discussed over here and take steps to follow, yes the parish and town benefit immensely. On the contrary, I find no curiosity, no concern and simply the rain on buffalo’s back pouring!!

The revolution in Education on its way and personally I appeal Mr. Fernandes, Mr.Roche, Mr. Jaya Prakash Hegde and most importantly Mr. S.Shetty to think or plan to start a Engineering College at Barkur either by improving existing ITI or new venture. Arts degree will not fetch any lucrative job. BBM or IT still manages to get, if started at College this year as planned. B.Com;s qualify as a Clerk in firm, B.Sc a maximum Teacher in a School..... Adapt to the changing world.... that's needed from visionaries. NJC Campus is sufficient for a Engineering College... Medical College needs lot of infra structure can be thought of later. Non sectarian Barkurian Community surely think on this right now, and all the best....

MM ALVARES, 26/03/2006

There is an ongoing discussion  going on about using web site for the personal glorification, parochialism, nepotism. First of all  how many of this conservative opinionated people ever open the web site.  Both of this web sites were designed and opened for the viewers at around same time. But look at that web site made tremendous progress for the last 3 or 4 years. But our web site is still limping. It is because we have some viewers who only look for the opportunity to criticize and find fault. Rather than doing something better.

They (Daijidubai) too have a SANDESH column and any one can send the greetings, best wishes to their family members and friends it is open to all people of any faith and religion. There are also articles written by number of viewers. I enjoy going through that web site. So what is wrong in sending the greetings and best wishes of our own family members and friends in our web site??.

Is there any written policy made by the Web Master when he designed the web site?? If there no such thing then it should not an issue to anyone. If those opinionated fellows don't want to greet their friends and family members over the web site that is their own personal choice.

They should not make negative comments for others who choose to send the greetings. I think it is good to see new faces of a new child who is celebrating Birthday or family celebrating anniversaries,  or a condolence notice or funeral update etc.

Please don't sit at the back pew and grumble. All of us have God given talents and ability to think creatively and write articles on any topics. There is so much help is available over the Internet today. One must find time to find materials and write, so that kind of dedication is required to keep the web site active and alive.

Fr. Tony Andrade De Barkur, Church of St.Thomas The Apostle, 2119 Stillwater Ave, St. Paul MN 55119, USA, 26/03/2006

Dear Friends:

Make This a Better Barkur College.

By now, you must have all read the new excitement and joyful moment witnessed by more than 3500 people in Barkur.  It indeed was a great privilege and unique honor to have our CM H.D.Kumaraswami and his several ministers and dignitaries coming down to open the new building of Smt. Rukmini Shedthi Memorial National Govt First Grade College in Barkur.

As you know this is the first College to be started in Barkur. Thanks to Barkur Sudhakar Shetty for his very generous support in erecting a brand new building to provide class room facilities to many of our local and nearby rural students.  In the midst of it, I am very grateful to the citizens of Barkur and to the members of The Barkur Education Society for naming the new College auditorium after me for contributing my small part. I am extremely thankful also to Barkuronline team, particularly to Archie Furtado, for recognizing and thanking me on all of your behalf for supporting this event. I also noted, a few including Fr. Lobo and especially Dr. Nagarkar for expressing their appreciation to both me and especially to Sudhakar Shetty. Those kind words mean a lot to both us, but they also meant to all of you to take a new interest to support this on going project to bring it to completion. As you may have read in Principal Hebbar’s report, that there are several tasks need to be completed soon,  particularly connecting electricity and water supply to the new building without which, it will be difficult or unable to hold new classes soon to function smoothly.

Dear friends, many of you received pre-university education alone in Barkur. Further most of you were fortunate enough to attend Colleges at nearby towns like Brahmavar, Kallianpur, Manipal, Udipi and some even at Mangalore. Thanks to your kind parents who were fortunate enough to be able to send you to distant colleges right away after high school. Because of this, you are now in better positions and many of you are in distant lands, a great achievement!! However, some less fortunate ones had to move away from Barkur soon after High school or Pre-U to other cities to hold small jobs and work their way up slowly to support their poor families back at home. I and my brothers were in latter category since our parents could not send us to colleges.

Now this scenario will change soon, because of this new College, at least until B.Sc and Computer classes are offered, many rich family students, although  will still go to distant colleges, but some rich and specially very rural students, specially girls will however attend this new college. As you know parents still would like to send their boys to better or bigger colleges, neglecting often the girls, a fact I have noticed, thus, there are more girls in Barkur college than boys. This is mainly because it offers now, only BA and BCom degrees and therefore boys are attending elsewhere to complete B.Sc, or Engineering degrees.  However, very soon, we would like to introduce B.Sc and BBA and Computer classes in Barkur.

We would like our average family children also to have an opportunity to complete their B.Sc and computer related degrees since the future lies mostly in these degree holders. To achieve this, we need to equip science laboratories, buy computers etc. Principal Hebbar informs us that the Govt, only provides salaries to teachers but the rest such as building, equipment, supplies costs have to be obtained from the private sources. This is where we can participate actively to start these classes soon, to benefit our lower and middle class students, as soon as possible.

You have heard to our great surprise that CM has assured bicycles to our rural or village female students. A few scholarships will be given by the Village to College foundation and Mid-day meal is likely to be provided by Sudhakar Shetty. Thus this college will become very unique, is most likely will help many needy students and as we furnish and equip class rooms along with quality teachers, soon, both our rich as well as poor students are likely to attend this College very soon. May I therefore urge you to take interest and an active part in supporting this new College to become as one of the best colleges in Udupi District?

Gabriel Fernandes, PhD,Professor, Department of Medicine,University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,7703 Floyd Curl Dr. San Antonio, TX 78229-3900,, 22/03/2006

Read more about Dr.Fernandes, Click here

The site is vibrant once again. It's good to pinch the patient to ensure whether one is comatose or alert. Many of you have been thanking me. Actually folks, even though I put my name, in reality the data is collected by Kishoo and Marina all the time. It's high time I stop stealing credit for their work, and openly acknowledge their data collection efforts, without which the site would be extinct.

Regarding blowing ones own horn, folks, someone within a family has to tell the facts, since outsiders may not know or reluctant to reveal or do not know how to give due credit. It's not easy to get data. The very own personalities are reluctant to share their bio-data. It's frustrating at times.

I still complain (hypothetical) everyday one way or other: "The food is bland. Too much salt. Has the price of chillies come down? The papad is not crispy. Is this coconut oil, or peanut oil? Why the food is cold? My glass is empty. Please fill it up. Did you hear me, fill up the glass! Whose well water is this? The pickle is too hot, get me a cucumber. Where is the head, liver and gizzard? Why the baby crying? Can I have some peace while eating? "Can't please even one person at any one time! Forget about pleasing all the people all the time!"

It's Kishoo's constant desire and effort to keep this site democratic. The spread of articles may seem uneven, however, it's solely based on the availability of information. We haven't even written about our own spiritual Parish Priest, yet!

James Fernandes, USA, 22/03/2003

A time to thank and also to ponder about the website

It was pleasing to read about the inauguration of new National Junior College so aptly called as Smt. Rukmini Shedthi Memorial Government First Grade College and the Dr Gabriel Fernandez Auditorium. Both are giants in their own way in encouraging education and process of learning. Both  Sri  Barkur Sudhakar Shetty and Dr Gabriel Fernandes have donated generously for a noble cause and this goes on to show how magnanimous they are for a worthy cause. I, as alumni of this great College, profusely thank these 2 gentlemen for their sheer generosity and their commitment for a worthy cause. I also admire the courage and commitment shown by the Barkurians in achieving this college objectives and goals. Let us not forget the sacrifices done by other elders and leader of yesteryears. One name which comes to my mind is that of Mr VL.Roche. He still continues to be a source inspiration and energy for Barkur Education Society and its activities.

Marina, thanks for your neat and slick coverage of inaugural function. Thanks for giving good report in spite of your busy schedule. I do agree that Barkur has made history with this historical events and looking at the events it appears that Barkurians have a voice in state politics and it may be due to the indomitable spirit of Mr Jayprakash Hegde. We have a politician here who looks apart from others and does his best in serving his elected people and kudos to him. Thanks for naming Fr Charles Lobo as a personality of the month and he richly deserves this. Though I personally do not know Rev Fr Charles, the article by Mr Fernandes reinforces and emphasise his quite contribution to the society and his selfless missionary service. Here is a man who deserves much more and who never aspired to fame or any sort of limelight and but did great work silently and behind the scenes. He is clearly so far an unsung hero.

As far about our website I will take little critical view. Of late, quality articles are drying up and I get the impression that the site is heading for personal glorification, parochialism, nepotism. Our site must be informative and educative and not just dedicated to wish and praise family members. Do not get personal and that is my frank view. I am sure of late who is following this site closely will share my views. That is the truth and this truth is glaring to anyone who is following this site. That is my gut feeling. I am a man who will not fear to call a spade a spade. Here, myself has not contributed a lot for this site of late. I will make some efforts to contribute few articles. One may argue that quality articles are a rarity and drying up why not encourage others who send something to keep the site vibrant. That does not mean the site is degenerated to boredom and decadence. Let us not try to blow our own trumpets. Just have a look at Dr Gabriel Fernandez’s and others achievements and academic career. It is really great and I salute him. His action speaks louder than his personality. Here is a man who is a visionary who thinks way ahead of others and there are many more like him. Having studied medicine I know what it is like to receive academic excellence and at the same time contributing to the cause of society.

Let us keep the site alive with good articles of Fernandes’s, Archie’s, Alvares’s, Fr Tony's, Eisen Picardo’s, D’silva’s quality articles. We must have a corner for children and sports. I do agree the response has been lukewarm in the past. I hope it will ignite some interest and keep our site kicking and alive. Sad to hear from Mr Fernandes that a donor ready to donate land or money for our Barker cemetery and no one volunteered to help this worthy cause and a chance has gone begging. I am lamenting for the lack of support.

Finally, my dear Barkurians please continue to support this site and its host Mr Kishoo in keeping this site alive. Let us not waste our talents but utilize them to the hilt. Kudos’ to Kishoo for his latest timely relevant poem which touched me a lot. Well done Kishoo keep up your literary work. With kind regards,

D. Nagarkar, 21/03/2006

Thanks Mr. James Fernandes for your opinions. Mr. James has asked me about Mr. Hubert Pinto (former Headmaster of St. Antony’s higher primary school, Sasthan) Of course he being a HM was a public figure and also more famous for his speeches. But right now being here in Muscat I can’t do any help regarding this. But surely I will provide you the required information on his life and service as soon as possible. At the same time I suggest that there are lot of Barkurians who served as the servants of God and those should be given preference.

I take this opportunity to say a word to Fr. Tony, on his feelings regarding my opinion that same people are being exhibited on this site. What I have said was right and some people agreed on this. Personally I do not have any rivalry with anybody and I am extremely sorry, if I have hurt the feelings of friends like Fr.Tony .

Austin Deepak Pinto, Sasthan, Muscat, 21/03/2006

Thanks to Marina Gonsalves for the full update report of the visit of honorable C. M. of Karanataka Mr. Kumara Swami to our historic town of Barkur. Alwyn Andrade did a wonderful job taking photo's of this memorable event and post it on the web site for  all  us to see what is going on in our home town of Barkur. I am sure many of you who view the web site regularly have seen and  read the wonderful report from Marina Gonsalves. Inspite of her busy schedule she offered to do this for the sake of all of us who are far away from our beloved home town of Barkur. Once again thank you Marina and God bless your good work.

Alwyn is very professional photographer and videographer.  When my parishioners visited our home town of Barkur, Alwyn did a beautiful video of their visit.  Now all our parishioners of St.Thomas the Apostle here in St. Paul Minnesota watch that video of my home town of Barkur and admire the wonderful talent of my cousin Alwyn Andrade. God bless your good work Alwyn. May you grow in your business everyday with God's choicest blessings.

Does any one know that our Web Master Kishoo De Barkur is also a  'poet'.  Those of you don't know please open the web site and read Kishoo's latest poem  "Saankho modlaa maath".

He narrates the collapse of Barkur bridge in a wonderful poetic tune. What a talented person he is. Thanks Kishoo for sharing with us the beautiful poem.

Fr. Tony Andrade De Barkur, Church of St.Thomas The Apostle, 2119 Stillwater Ave,St. Paul MN 55119 ,USA, 21/03/2006


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Barkur, located in Udupi Taluk, Karnataka, India. 576 210

Copyright Kishoo, Barkur 2002.