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(Dear visitors, please tell us , how do you feel about our Q n A section...Shoot your questions to our panelists as soon as possible to keep the section vibrant and dynamic. - team)

Although I respect every elder to the best of my ability, I wonder how my brother Jemiaba took liberty in questioning the rights of elders, who moved out of their homes, leaving their parents and little brothers and sisters back to find some income to support them in their distress situation. Its natural that those days the major distant places were Mysore, Bangalore, Bhadravathi, Shimoga etc... but Bombay was very rare and those who went to Bombay and returned annually or once in 2/3 years received "Royal Welcome" and all attention, not only from home people, but also from the entire village happened to be on them. This was the trend those days and these days even if you come from the USA or Canada after 10 years no one is bothered to look at them !

 Coming to the income and the money transfer they used to do during those days, though it was just Rs 10 or 15 as Jemiaba mentioned, this money had much much better value and respect, I should mention, than what we spend in thousands and lakhs these days. With just Rs 25/- a family of four survived easily during that period. I can give my own simple example here.


Here I truly don't understand why my dear brother failed to understand the value of Rs 10/15 he being about 4/5 years older to me and the value of Rupees must have been very great then. Advising youngsters back home is very important in life those days as only after leaving their parents, brothers, sisters, pets, cows, buffaloes, pigs etc... back home and leading a lonely life elsewhere they remember everything that they left behind and cry. This makes them to advise the little ones back home to do this or that. Definitely during their association and stay with all of the above loved ones they must not have realized or understood their love and affection and must have also given plenty of troubles to all around including the parents BUT it is only after missing them for long time their eyes have opened and they advised their little ones in this fashion. Money had great value so also the love for one another, which is sadly totally missing now.

Jemiaba, I have expressed my true feelings for what you have mentioned. I always respect and love every elder irrespective of their status in the society, caste, creed or religion and hope others too show their mercy on EVERY ELDER of this world and God will definitely bless them.

Charles F Lewis, Bangalore, 31/05/2006

What happens to people when they leave home or Barkur?

When I was young in Barkur I used to hear the following comments from my friends:

The elder brothers or sisters who went to Mysore, Bhadravathi, or Bombay, used to send Rs. 10 or 15 home, with a long letter telling or advising the younger ones at home:

  1. Obey your parents.
  2. Feed my dog daily, and give bath, also feed the chicken and the cow.
  3. Say your prayers daily, and pray for us for our better health and for better jobs so that we can remit fatter money orders.
  4. Do not forget to water the Tulsi plant.

Folks:  What I don’t understand is how come they start advising things which they never did before when they were home?  How come they suddenly get enlightened as to advise the folks back home?  What right do they have to tell us, without giving sufficient donation or any?

  1. How to run a home?
  2. How to run a school?
  3. How to manage the college?
  4. How to run the temple?
  5. How to run Parish?
  6. How to catch fish or how to plant rice?
  7. How to harvest rain water?
  8. How to build roads and bridges?

I met a man today asking for a dollar.   I asked him, “Why do you need a dollar?”

“To buy a 18 wheeler truck,” was his reply.

I asked him, “Hope you know how to drive it? Do you have place to park it?  Can you afford the gas to drive this monster truck?

“Hey man, I asked you for a dollar. Not your stupid advice?”

James Fernandes, USA, 30/05/2006

Keep the good work going on... SPA Mumbai is really doing it so....Barkur Parish day details very are nice...

Financial advice is good...Archies corner need some fresh intake....James Fernandes is back good sign....

Excavations work and related news need urgent attention of Govt and academians... would like to know about SSLC  and PUC results of Barkur schools....Saw fresh column of Kishoo Barkur in  Good work continue the same....

Felciana D'Silva, Kuwait, 27/05/2006

Dear Sr. Marie Picardo: had generated a list of Vocations from Barkur. Your name still shines 23rd out of the 72 listed, published in the ICYM Silver Jubilee Memorial Souvenir in December 2002. Apparently, for want of a mailing address, you are not getting any communication at all.

We are happy that  could be of help! Kishoo will help arrange give your mailing address to Pedruchi Chaavi, a bi-annual publication from Barkur Parish. Please give your e-mail address here, or to Kishoo at, or contact me at "" There is no need to be, "Out of sight, out of mind!"

James Fernandes, USA, 27/05/2006

Personally I failed to understand why the most popular Messages Section of this site now a days in active!? Of course, updates are not so regular, one can use the space to share feelings and opinions even suggestions. It is my point of view that when the site confined to Barkur and Christians in a big way, the readership and more precisely interaction through messages was vibrant. The scope has widened but new contributors not entering the fray. There was a time, I used to eagerly wait for some interesting segments to get new articles, and the wait too was worthy as most of them well written.

I got the fairly introduced to Barkur and its glorious past through these pages. It is my appeal, to Mr. Fernandes, Mr. Archie, and few others to take rejuvenated interest in the Site to support the host in his objectives to reach and satisfy more and more Barkurians.

M. M. Alvares, 23/05/2006

Dear Sir, I have left Barkur almost 40 years. In this past forty years so far no one has send any news about Barkur nor any one has asked where are the past parishioners of Barkur at least those who joined the convent. It is really very sad. I hope and pray at least in the future our parish of Barkur will try to do something for the past parishioner who are out of Barkur.

Sr.Marie Picardo, Daughters of St.Paul, 177,Kamptee Road, Mohan Nagar Nagpur 440001 .23/05/2006


Congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of your 25th marriage anniversary. Our prithee with Almighty to shower his countless benediction on both of you. From

Sachin Kumar (Son),Suvidha (Daughter), Friends & Relatives, Barkur. 10/05/2006


Dear Hebroyn,

Congratulations and God's choicest blessings on the happy occasion of your first holy communion held on 7th may at St. Augustine's Church, High Wycombe, UK.

Herald, Gretta (dad &mom) Hayden (brother) Pius Nagar/UK, Gratian, Sheela, Glenish, Glenston,  Barkur/UK. Charles, Latha, Chelsea,Dubai, Flora D' Souza Pius Nagar, 10/05/2006

Is second hand smoke bad for health? I doubt! "An old sailor gave up smoking when his pet parrot developed a persistent cough. He was worried that the pipe smoke that frequently filled the room had damaged the parrot's health. He had a vet examine the bird. After a thorough checkup the vet concluded that the parrot did not have psittacosis or pneumonia. The parrot merely been imitating the persistent cough of his pipe smoking master.

"By calling Natal Fest for Christmas and celebrating it, I will be supporting Konkani culture. Similarly Pasca Fest for Easter; thus I pay my dues to Konkani Culture, I suppose!" Any comments, folks.

James Fernandes, USA, 10/05/2006


Viona Gonsalves
D/O Mrs. Vera and Mr. John Gonsalves,(Mumbai), Barkur

Congratulations and God Bless you dear Viona. Lots of love and wishes from your Loving Dad and Mom. Also love and wishes from,


Mrs. Florine Gonsalves, Barkur

Mrs . Josephine, Mr. Alphonse and Anson Gonsalves, Mumbai

Mrs. Gretta, Mr. Staney, Sydney, Shiney and Sunny Lewis, Barkur

Mrs. Jacintha, Mr. John, Alwyn, and Adrick D’Almeida, Mumbai

Mrs. Zeeta, Mr. James and Pearl and Carol Gonsalves, Barkur

Mrs. Ophelia, Mr. Simon, Shelton and Stalin , Muscat

Mrs. Marina, Mr. Kishore and Anirudh, Barkur, 05/05/2006

We welcome this move, though taken very late to have Bus service Barkur - Brahmmavar. Season of marriages, feasts and festivals as well as holidays will be less costly to that extent. Also happy to learn about Barkur Education Society started long back in 40's, in Archie's Corner. Feel the article little short to focus on its present activities.

Nevertheless, an effort worthy now made known to all, that itself praiseworthy. One word about Masala, it is really tasty and cherishing, keep it up.


Denigrating “Bharat Mata”

On February 6th 2006, ‘India Today’ weekly carried an advertisement regarding an auction by Action India called ‘Art for Mission Kashmir’ for raising funds for earthquake victims in Kashmir. Included in the auction were two derogatory paintings by M.F. Hussain, one of them titled ‘Bharat Mata’ depicting Mother India as a nude woman inscribed with the names of States and cities on her body. It is visibly clear the callous disregard shows towards India, the land where he has flourished.

After vehement protests and initiated an intense, peaceful public agitation for these paintings to be taken off the auction and destroyed. Next day Hussain is said to have issued apology. Ms. Sharon Apparao, the curator of Apparao Art Gallary declared that the painting will be withdrawn the next day. On 8th February Ms. Nafisa Ali, Action India Trust’s spokesperson, on CNN-IBN TV channel, Ms. Ali claimed that the ‘Bharat Mata’ painting had been sold on the very first day for Rs.80 lakhs.

So, everybody should demand the cancellation of felicitation of M. F. Hussain for lifetime achievement in India, for drawing Bharatmata nude painting.

AS, Barkur,25/04/2006

I wish a Happy Easter to my family , friends and all Bakurians all over the world .May  God's love surround you protect you and be with you on Easter and always.

Rahul DSouza, Kazakisthan, 16/04/2006

By this small note, we wish all our Barkurians, at natives and all over the world a Happy Easter.

Let the peace and brotherhood taught by Jesus bring all our readers of Barkur online more closer to share each others talents and goodwill.

Philip Richard, Barkur. 16/04/2006

Once again the Feast of Easter at our door step. This time we surely miss Pedruchi Chavi. Thank God we have Barkuronline to wish all our friends and relatives - far and near, host of this site and his team and their families, all other contributors and sponsors, and readers and visitors a HAPPY AND BLESSED PEACEFUL FEAST OF EASTER.

We feel the role of the ite must be proactive and constructive in coming days. Let the regulars be more regular and new one join the stream. Have a peaceful feast all Barkurians,

Felciana D'Silva, Kuwait,16/04/2006

A Landlord of High Repute: A poor tenant went to his landlord to borrow a donkey to move some fertilizer. "It's on loan already." said the landlord. At that moment the animal began to bray from within its stable. "But I hear it bray." said the tenant. "So whom are you going to believe, the donkey or me?"

James Fernandes,USA, 15/04/2006

Happy Birthday

Jason and Patrick Andrade

Dear Patrick and Jason wish you a very happy birthday and many happy return of the day. May God bless you on this special day and everyday of your life.  Both of you cousins share a same date to celebrate the joy of your birth. We the family and friends assure you our prayers.

With love and blessings, Your beloved: -

Father Uncle, Parents, Grandparents, and Andrade family.10/04/2006

Even though it may not be as any big deal, the recipients from several rural villages seem to appreciate the Village to College Scholarship Program. This function was held recently in the New College, “r. Gabriel Fernandes Auditorium”.As pointed out by Principal Hebbar, Rs. 64,000/- were distributed this year, the money well spent indeed.

My heartfelt thanks with immense gratitude to Fr. Remegius and Hebbar in supporting this Foundation in a timely manner.  Thanks for the pictures too.

If some more names from Barkur were seen in the foundation’s donor list, there would have been more weight to help solicit funds from this part of the world.  Any outside donor asks, “How much you have collected locally?”

Well, as I get comments that there are no poor people in Barkur, I guess, that might be a reason for cold shoulder. Oh, Yes, I do remind my brother at times, “If you had gone to college soon upon your high school, you would not  have started this program at all!  Just as, when you are healthy you cannot understand the misery of sickness, so also, the highly educated rich ones, perhaps, cannot comprehend what the uneducated/less educated lack!”

Dear readers this message is published here not for self/family glorification, as some people might imply or react!  The Foundation has its obligation to report the activities, and the accountability of funds. 

Presently, only part of the donation is given towards the scholarships. Feel free to spread the word, and, please recommend any deserving student you know of, who is deprived of college education for lack of financial support. 

James Fernandes, 10/4/2006

For a change a better one from Fr Tony about Eric Soans. Indeed he is a multi-talented man and more precisely a good writer and a better editor. He will be still better if Pedruchi Chaavi  is published very often. All the best and thank you Eric, keep going, best of luck.

Feliciana D’Silva, Kuwait,05/04/2006

Eric Soans a person inheriting, possessing and exploiting the great gifts and talents, for the best use of society and church. Nevertheless, he proved time again that he is innovative, matured and humble.

 ‘Choir of our Church’ is just one of his passion as his field of  work vary from literature,  a rare mix of mastering prose and poetry at ease, in his articles and poems, painting, singing, acting, master of ceremony in many languages like Kannada, English and of course best in Konkani. We are very happy to read about his one special love – Church Choir in our site.

For a while I thought, this Eric has lot many master pieces to his credit as each and every edition of Pedruchi Chavi is unique with his ideas in reality. Moreover, couple of years back ICYM – Silver Jubilee Souvenir another feather in his cap of glory.

I had a dream that the present Barkur Church celebrating 150year Jubilee of its existence will commemorate this historical mile stone with a Book, but not. Still the people of Barkur can hand over this responsibility to Eric Soans and believe me you can expect wonders in his hands.

Are non resident Barkurians have any interest……in this project, and hope with your support, if there, you can treasure a fitting monument for future generation to be referred as our own religious-cultural history of Barkurians.

P.Archibald Furtado, Muscat, 05/04/2006


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Copyright Kishoo, Barkur 2002.