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Let me share a view expressed by some learned man – ‘toast be like mini skirt of a young lady - to be long enough to cover essentials and short enough to keep the curiosity intact’ Unless the speaker is attractive, as well as his talk, now-a-days no one tolerates. The length of the speech is subjective and can not be generalized. Wedding Toast normally of 15 minutes to be ideal and I’ve come across some spoken for half an hour, no need to say terribly boring.

MM Alvares - , 21/03/2007

Discussion, debates, opinion, criticism on any general or specific issues and matter - always pave the way for progress and help to derive better conclusions and improvement.

That is what we were taught. I do understand, Mr. James, Mr. Joe, Mr. Claude and others directing at same motto – to keep the website warmed up, and it is our expectation too.

Let me thank all who are come out – especially Kannada poets, and writers Harish Acharya and Prakash with commendable writings. I am more than happy to see another pretty woman in the welcome front page after a fairly long break – you deserve it Mrs. Divya Furtado – Congratulations.

Mr. Kishore the host for his generosity and Mr. Archie who wrote the profile, deserve special thanks for considering her for this honor. Let more such personalities shine and made known to us and Barkurian world through this on line pages. Best of Luck every body and Ugadi greetings.

Feliciana D’Silva, Kuwait, 21/03/2007

Happy  Birthday

Alden Lewis

Alden Darling,

Wishing you a very very happy first birthday and many many more happy returns of the day. May God bless you abundantly on this day and throughout your life. With loads of love and kisses from,

Dad and Mom Arhur and Nirmala, Kuwait, Grandpa and Grandma Joseph Pinto and Jessy Pinto, Barkur, Richard,Asha,Adrian,Aaron D'Mello, Melbourne, Sr.Carloline A.C,Bangalore, Noel Pinto, Dubai, Jane Pinto, KSA, 19/03/2007

Yes, Joe D'Sa,

Archie is quite a bit a head of his time. Reminds of Einstein, whose theories were/are quite few centuries a head of us! Apparently, Archie's superb writings intimade others, so much so, most others do not want to participate in expressing their opinions in this site for fear of revealing their writing skills, perhaps.

Yes, like you and Harish Acharya and others, there ought to discussions on contemporary issues, such as roles of mothers or mentors, disappearing moral values, corruption, long speeches for self glory, pot holes on roads, marriage expenses beyond ones bank balance, unemployment, health needs and spiritual needs etc, and why the ambulance arrives after the accident victim is dead, better send the hearse instead, etc..

As one window closes, more doors will be opened" I like the wisdom of that king who tested his queen's loyalty and lost her! Lost her purposely?

Today, if any man/woman tests the loyalty of ones spouse in such a manner, before the funeral/divorce of the spouse is over, I guess, next wedding preparations will commence, in quite a few cases, perhaps? Will this observation create some discussion in this site, I doubt!

 "Jamaana badal gaya" or "Kaalekke thakka kola"?

James Fernandes, USA, 19/03/2007

Dear Friends,

This refers to the on line profile - we were also invited for the grand wedding reception of Sujith and Divya held at Milagres Hall, since I know the bridegroom’s father well and were working together at Manipal. Nevertheless, I read the online profile of bride, again, but miss to see even a mention of a word about the powerful, interesting and down to earth, toast raised by the writer himself.

To my critical eyes, the only complaint is, he was bit long and if not mistaken spoke a whopping plus 20 minutes, his pure Konkanni was exemplary but would have said few sentences in English for the benefit of the non-Konkanni guests.

We normally attend 10-15 weddings every year. Most of the times, a professor of some College, a learned teacher, at times tired, a priest, (who doesn’t know much about married life), some writer or scholar (who’s in his own world), even I’ve seen political leaders - will be asked to do the job. With very few exceptions, normally such a person is artificial in approach and hollow in his talk, some others choose the opportunity to exhibit their academic brilliance or few take the time to quote unnecessary stories of their own or jokes hardly cracked and the end result is to make the gathering boring. I categorically wish to say here that, friends choose the person from your own circle, let the person highlight the bride and bridegroom’s background, it is their day, not toast master’s, give a short introduction of their family if required, and restrict him to a maximum of 10 – 12 minutes. Why I stress this point is first of all hall weddings are short and time restrictions every where. Make the guests listen attentively. And most importantly, use the occasion to wish and bless the just married couple, that’s all they expect.

Again, this is not to hurt anyone, but my sincere feelings, best of luck and congratulations Sujith and Divya and welcome to Kallianpur and special thanks to Archibald Furtado for making a new trend.

Mrs and Mr. Joe Victor D’Sa,, 18/03/2007

Claude has summarized in one sentence. "People around the world should participate" in order to be a website to be vibrant. Yes, Felicana, I just echoed what Claude has said, earlier.

One, man, the MAN of Barkur, Kishoo alone, who works in the middle of the Ocean, cannnot gather Barkur information. Whenever he goes to Barkur on vacation, he gathers and did gather to fill in this site, ignoring the needs of his son, and wife or mother. He is active in so many activities, so much so, he has no time to publish the same in his own site. Moreover, not many persons, have the decency, to acknowledge and appreciate him,in one or two sentences, in this site. The negative criticism of this site in itself is gratifying! "The fact that the GOONDAS don't cause any harm to me, is in itself I should be thankful for!"

What is the meaning of RAMPAANI? One man cannot catch a lot of fish. Entire village or villages go to sea as one team and catch fish in truck loads., thus I did/could buy 24 Bangdas for ONE ANNA. If others cannot pitch-in, fine, at least I am glad, quite a few people are logging-in and logging-out, frustrated.........

I left Barkur 47 years ago, and I don't even know the name of the Barkur newspaper, the name of the Barkur hospital, the name of Barkur swimming pool, the name of Barkur race course, the name of car dealer, the name of the oil mill, the name of the Car rental agency, the name of the tile factory, the name of Barkur AIRport...You get the point,.........

If people cannot strike when the iron is hot, they can keep on beating the dead horse for years to come........... So much for 'team work......"...... One must not startle the ass/donkey from its behind.............

James Fernandes, USA, 18/03/2007

For the web site to be vibrant, all Barkurians living around the world should send articles/news and photos, from the places were they live now. Any comments for my suggestions?

Claude D’Souza, 17/03/2007

Dear sir,

Well done for the impressive coverage given about the personality of the month. Keep up the good work Archie!

Janice Furtado, 17/03/2007

You are right Mr D’Silva, in these days site less vibrant and the regular contributors are also missing. HOF  is there for half an year and POM for three months. This not to find fault with the host, but when we anxiously expect something new nothing there means you know, its discourages  a regular visitor. All the best.

MM Alvares,, 16/03/2007      

Mr James has echoed the same what our parish priest asked for. Hall to be utilised by all hence all have to contribute whatever possible. Let me give a suggestion - why don't barkuronline team take initiative to publish a souvenir and ask for advertisements and the money collected can be sent to parish priest? Alternatively, a special issue of Pedruchi Chavi can be brought out to appeal all NRI Barkurians. I'm sure, the way PC is getting response, in the past, it will repeat its attraction 10 times more!!!

Regarding web site, all the time when I find nothing new and appealing, feel like writing to the host, but you know, what he alone can do? His team also not out of winter, yes wake-up friends, and reactivate the live wires of beloved Barkur and its people. With warm regards,

Felciana D'Silva, Kuwait. 16/03/2007

Wonderful site - once I checked in all the portals, it contains beautiful articles. Special people, special events, special corners, oh , its truly fantastic. My sister just gave me this link, who happens to know one of your team member. I don’t know she was bit sad to tell the updates are nor frequent. I feel what is already there is worth reading time and again. Fine, more stuff attracts more visitors, but tasty little, tastes much more .Host is doing a good job, keep it up all of you.

Vincent V. D' Almeida, 16/03/2007

Myself grand daughter of Mr. Kalappa Poojary Hosala Barkur has found this very interesting & very upcoming for future generation. I wish you all the best for brightening aspects of Barkur.

Sushma Poojary, Mumbai, 14/03/2007

Hi Barkuronline,

Please get updated frequently so that we get to know about our maigaov every time we visit you. Also don’t restrict yourself only on Barkur happenings, go and collect news from surrounding parishes where they don’t have online facilities.

Norbet D'Silva, 14/03/2007

Happy  Birthday

Keith Walter Menezes

Dear Baba Keith Walter Menezes,

Many many happy returns of the day. God bless you. Wishes from,

Granny Jessy Menezes, Dad & Mom Habbu & Maria (Barkur) Aunty Eulet, Uncle Pramod & Priyal (Kallianpur). Grand Pa & Grand Ma Anthony Elizabeth, Uncle Santosh Aunty Reema (Padukone),09/03/2007

An excellent website linking the barkurians living in the different parts of the world. News updates needs to be updated every day. Articles written by Mr Archibald Furtado are worth reading .Would like to have his yahoo or hotmail address if possible.

Joseph Furtado,09/03/2007

Dear Sir,

I would like to request you to update your website daily. Most of the news seems to be the same.  Try to make the website more interesting by updating the news from time to time. Try changing the personality of the month as soon as the the next month begins. Introduce creative corner for local Barkurian children to contribute to the Website. Try to respond to correspondence on a frequent basis. This will help the website to gain popularity. Wishing success to the team of All the best in their mission to connect the Barkurians around the world.


Happy 10th Birthday

Dearest Viona,

Wish you a very happy birthday & many happy returns of the day. May you celebrate many more happy birthdays in the years ahead. May Jesus shower you with his abundant blessings. May he keep you always in good health. May you come up with flying colors and give praise to Jesus and make us all proud.

These wishes also come to you from:

Veera and  John  Gonasalves, Mumbai

Florine Gonsalves, Barkur

Josephine,  Alphonse and Anson Gonsalves, Mumbai

Gretta,  Staney, Sydney, Shiney and Sunny Lewis, Barkur

 Jacintha,  John, Alwyn, and Adrick D’Almeida, Mumbai

Zeeta, James and Pearl and Carol Gonsalves, Barkur

Ophelia, Simon, Shelton and Stalin , Muscat,

Marina, Kishoo and Anirudh Sean, Barkur.26/02/2006

Happy 25th Birthday

Shainal D'Souza

Dearest Shainal

Smiles and laughter, joy and cheer happiness that stays throughout the year Hope your birthday brings all these and more. Best wishes on your 25th birthday and throughout the coming year. We all pray to God to bless you abundantly and grant you wisdom, grace and good health for your future life.  May God shower His blessings on you today and always. Happy Birthday!! -

With Loads of Love, Hugs & Kisses,

Rahul D'Souza, Kazhakistan, Roque And Albin DSouza ( Barkur), Rohit, Blanchi And Rania ( Dubai), Carol And Rolbin  ( Mumbai), Vincent Lewis, Gloria Lewis And Sharal Lewis ( Uppor), 24/02/2007


I am not a resident of Barkur. But today when I was just checking something on net, I saw the photo of one of my favorite teacher M.V.R.Acharya. I was his student in Danadathirtha, Kapu. I was very much delighted to see his photo and to know about him. As You have rightly said his English grammar and pronunciation was perfect. I used to be very fascinated by the way he spoke. And also a able administrator.

Thank you very much for letting me know more about my sir. Wishing him great health and prosperity.

Yogitha, 23/11/2006

Hi Barkur,

 I am Sridhar Shetty form Hosala Nagarmatt. Now I am at Dubai and I remember my home and Barkur always .When I saw this website I was very much  excited and happy to go though.

I studied in Barkur NJC and now I am working as CAD engineer in Dubai.

Sridhar Shetty, Dubai, 23/11/2006

Coverage of Makkala Sahitya Sammelana has really been done in a superb way...Other news coverages are also good. Keep it up!!!

Harshith S. Padre, 19/02/2007

The Mass wedding ceremony being arranged by the Mogaveera youth at Bennekudru (Barkur) in April 2007 is a mile stone of development. I feel it is being held for the first time in the District. More and more people join this movement and if today it is Mogaveera community, it should be followed by everyone. Spending of unwarranted money should be stopped. Keep it up good work Satish Amin.

Further I am pleased to know the successful completion of 7th Makkaala Sahitya Sammelana, held at Barkur. Regards to one and all.

Shekar A. Amin, Dombivli, Mubmai, 17/02/2007

I thoroughly enjoy your site and appreciate your effort. Please keep up the good work. Though I am based in Dubai, my mother is from Matpady, Barkur. So I am very much attached to Barkur and I visit Barkur once every two years. Thanks to your website, I can now virtually visit Barkur everyday.

Joel D'Souza, P.O. BOX 22700, DUBAI, UAE, 15/02/2007

MakkaLa sahitya sammeLana - Nice to know that Barkur has hosted such a useful program. Hope many children would be inspired by this to take interest in Arts and Literature.

Antony, Kudru ,Singapore, 15/02/2007

Happy Birthday

Thelma Fernandes

My Dearest Forever Loving Wife Shallu,

It is one of the special day  for you and gives me immense pleasure to wish you on your birthday. Your love towards me always keeps me going in my worst times. I am thankful to God for giving such a lovely gift in you. I will always love till I die.

Your most loving husband

Ron (Barkur - Kuwait),07/02/2007

Happy Birthday

 Praveen and Sushma Carvalho

Birthdays are the perfect times to set your spirit free and dream of everything you want your life to be for dreaming often leads the way to sweet reality. May everything you dream about bring you joy and may you find fulfillment in the things life brings your way.  Here's a birthday wish for both of  you to fill your life with joy and special things that you enjoy. With lots of love and good wishes and hugs,

Vishwas Lloyd Carvalho, Agnes Carvalho, Kachur, Charles, Philomena and Roshan Lobo, Hosala, Shreyal, Priyal , Patricia and Lancy D’Almeida, Hosala, Prinal, Premila and Joylan Fernandes, Mumbai

Also wishes from

Keith, Maria and Habbu, Barkur
Anirudh, Marina and Kishoo, Barkur
Eric Soans and Naveen Dias, Barkur
Allan Crasta, Noel Pinto, Nelson Furtado, Dubai,07/02/2007

I come from Hosala Village, Barkur (near Meryknoll High School). Studied in National Junior College, passed S.S.L.C. in 1969. Involved in Social activiteis in Mumbai.

Every time I login "Barkuronline" I feel I am already at Barkur. My heart opens when I read about someone in the site, who are known to me. I am desperate to contact some of my friends/classmates who are now at Mumbai. However, very few are submitting their contact details in the link. I request every one should inform their Barkurian friends/relatives who are especially residing away from Barkur to place their contact details in the site, so that it is easy to establish contact outside Barkur. The amount of information available on the site is enormous, and more fields are added regularly.

I have a  suggestion/request to Host Mr. Kishoo. Is it possible/feasible to consider opening a link for matrimonial (Of course there are unlimited number of sites available on internet)?

Keep up good work Mr. Kishoo

Shekar A. Amin , 202 Shyam Soni Apts. Ganesh Nagar, Near Police Chowki, Dombivli (West), Dist. Thane. Mumbai Pin: 421 202, 31/01/2007


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