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Elwyn Neeson D’ Souza
S/O Dr.Derrick and Eva D’Souza, received First Holy Communion on 13th  May 2007  in London.

As we congratulate you when you received the Holy Communion on 13th  May 2007, we thank God for his abundant mercy, blessings, kindness and grace. We thank your Godparents, catechists and teachers who have prepared you for this Holy Communion and helped you in receiving The Holy Communion. May the Eucharist you received that day guide and protect you and may he dwell in your heart always and may he give you the spiritual nourishment. As we thank all our friends, relatives on this happy occasion we once again pray and congratulate you on this happy occasion.

With best wishes and prayers from

Dad (Dr Derick), Mom (Eva) and sister Deeya, London, Godparents John and Mrs Sophia D’Souza and family, Mumbai, Grandma Mrs Judith Suares, Mumbai and Uncle Rev. Fr. Evans, Andaman’s, Mrs Annie Vaz and family, Barkur, Oneil D’Almeida and family, Mumbai, Mr Michael D’Souza and family, Mumbai, Mrs Nellie D’Souza and family, Mumbai, Mr Norman D’Souza and family, Mumbai, Mrs Clara Olivera and family, Bangalore, Mr Praveen Suares and family, Mumbai, Mrs Veena Pereira and family, Mumbai.18/06/2007

Special thanks to all who are responsible to make the Parish Hall a reality. Mary knoll High School too can utilise it for Rainy days function. 650 capacity is ideal. Thanks for latest developments.

Why there is a drought of updates once again? Ms Diana is expected to get a flash back on Mirnyam Mr Fernandes

Feliciana D'Silva, Kuwait,18/06/2007.

James Fernandes appeal to Diana Fernandes to portray late Abundis Fernandes, the man who gave 40 years to church, in HOF columns timely one and well deserved. In fact I don’t know of the person, but feel it is our duty as well as site, to call back such people's services. Moreover, the online HOF is there for so long.....needs a refresh.

MM Alvares,,18/06/2007.


Joylous Princeton
S/O James and Lilly D’Almeida, Udyavara/UK, Received first holy communion on 10/06/2007 at UK.

Dear Princeton

Congratulations on your first holy communion.May God bless you in abundance. May He  protect and guide you always. With lots of love and wishes from

Hilda Almeida and family, Udyavara, Veronica Lewis, Balkudru, Sasthan, Vimala and Doney D’Souza and family, Muscat, Judi and Joseph Olivera and family, Bangalore, Jasmine and Philip Lewis and family, Mumbai, Jane Lewis,  Mumbai, and Deepak Lewis, Dubai

Also wishes from

Florine Gonsalves and family, Barkur, Anirudh, Marina and Kishoo, Barkur, 12/06/2007

Hi, Good work being continued by you all thru' this website. Feeling happy to see our Barkur even when we are away. Can you please update us about the latest happening at Barkur? Also whether rainy season started and its raining heavily there.

If anybody is having the write up about Barkur, written by Vishu Kumar named "Alidulida Barkuooru"? It was very informative. I read it when I was a student and unfortunately, I don’t have the copy. If anybody is having that copy, please add to this website. Its worth reading. Regards to everybody.

Deepak Shetty, Toyota-Japan,11/06/2007

Normally deaths, births, birthday wishes, marriages, anniversaries, communions, graduations, etc, are brought to the webmaster's attention by the authentic sources who have access to details such as names, dates, or occasions. Thank you for reporting the demise of your uncle, Mr. Abundius Fernandes, in a style of your own. He made a life long career as a sacristan, for 40 or more years; however, the pittance he got did not meet even a one meal per day, as I knew him personally in the fifties. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he stayed as a bachelor, and I presume his late years were pleasant to him. May all those who helped him physically, financially, etc., be blessed several folds, for I personally believe any kindness, irrespective of selfish motive does not go unrewarded and may his soul rest in peace. Amen.

I request you Diana, to furnish an article on him as the HOF, and by the way, don't expect someone else to write!!

James Fernandes,USA, 09/06/2007

I am very much disappointed that this website didn’t  think it proper to report on the death of Mr.Abundius Fernandes on 29th  of May 2007. His funeral was held at St.Peter's Church Barkur on the  30th.  .Mr.Abundius Fernandes had served at the St.Peter's Church as a  Sacristan and  Cathechist for almost 40 years. Yet no one in the current Parish Organization thought it newsworthy to report his  death and funeral.

Diana Fernandes, Mumbai, 08/06/2007

Good work Mr Fernandes, keep it up. Yes there are many HAVES but lethargic towards causes like Eduaction. Hope this brief of yours open their inner feelings. A great social work for Barkurians.

MM ALAVRES, 06/06/2007

Happy Birthday

Sheela D'Silva

Dear Sheela,

We wish you a wonderful and enjoyable birthday; on this special day may the Almighty God bless you with good health and happiness. Have a great day. With warmest wishes:

Gratian, Glenish and Glenston (Barkur/ UK).04/06/2007

Welcome new editor of Pedruchi Chavi Reena Almeida and a big thanks to Eric Soans who has done a great job. I am of the opinion to have chavi 4 times not necessary to have as thick it is now. Think of focusing one ward at a time, suggested by some, routine affair once in two years. All  Gulf/ US regions covered. Better to give a thought,  Reena and co. All the best to new and thanks to outgoing group too.

Feliciana D'Silva, Kuwait, 28/07/2007

Good short stories, Philip, they are not only entertaining but moral capsules. Good collection. Be regular, we expect few like ones from James Fernandes, missing in these days.

MM Alvares,, 28/07/2007

While most of the neighboring parishes grow in members, as more and more Catholic new families prefer these places, e.g. Udupi, Udyavar, Kallianpur Santhekatte, Brahmmavar, even Sastan…..for various reasons, our Barkur once closely competing in quality and strength, with mighty Milagres, is weakening both in size and inhabitants. One of the causes surely, the absence of dynamic laity leadership in these years. There was absolutely no effort was made to analyze this worsening sorry state of affairs.

Wake up Friends, look around, leave apart at the moment to attract outsiders, do something to stop migration of quality men and women in the pretext of better convenience, schooling, transportation just to mention few.

Harry, you have a task, act on it, generations will remember you. Let’s have private discussion to find ways and means, let egos die but Barkurian spirit be the top agenda.

Just don’t think of Hall alone, that is only 5% priority, you have Pedruchi Chavi – and Barkur on line, two effective weapons to reach many right thinking Barkurians. All the Best.

Philiph Richard.P. 28/07/2007

Dear Manoj,Olinda, Manith & Maahir

Congratulations .Wishing you sweet & happy moments in your new home!

Noel Pinto, Sharjah, 28/07/2007

Beginner's Mind

Once, a professor went to a Zen Master. He asked him to explain the meaning of Zen. The Master quietly poured a cup of tea. The cup was full but he continued to pour. The professor could not stand this any longer, so he questioned the Master impatiently,

"Why do you keep pouring when the cup is full?"

"I want to point out to you," the Master said, "that you are similarly attempting to understand Zen while your mind is full. First, empty your mind of preconceptions before you attempt to understand Zen. If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few."--Suzuki Roshi

A Pile of Dry Shit

One day a famous government officer met a highly respected edlerly master. Being conceited, he wanted to prove that he was the superior person. As their conversation drew on, he asked the master,

"Old monk, do you know what I think of you and the things you said?"

The master replied, "I don't care what you think of me. You are entitled to have your own opinion." The officer snorted, "Well, I will tell you what I think anyway. In my eyes, you are just like a pile of dry shit!" The master simply smiled and stayed quiet. Seeing that his insult had fallen into deaf ears, he asked curiously, "And what do you think of me?"

The master said, "In my eyes, you are just like the Buddha." Hearing this remark, the officer left happily and bragged to his wife about the incident. His wife said to him, "You conceited fool! When a person has a heart like a pile of dry shit, he sees everyone in that light. The elderly master has a heart like that of the Buddha, and that is why in his eyes, everyone, including you, is like the Buddha!"

Philiph Richard.P., 28/07/2007



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