
Obituary : Dr. Barkur Udaya Kumar

Memories must be fresh to the Students of contemporary history, ‘Vastavada odakugallu, Ithihasada todakugallu’ – a book written by a scholar which was published in 2012.  A decade has been rolled on, but the curiosity and the attraction of the book still alive, as the subject matter focus on certain neglected or unfocussed significant events and people who changed the course of history over the years.

Team barkuronline.com was informed that the illustrious author, Head of Dept of History, Mangalore University, Dr Barkur Uday Kumar breathed his last on 11/08/2023, evening at his late 50’s. 

Son of soil, hailing from an economically poor family near Herady Barkur, has seen and experienced the most difficult days, during his childhood. Studied in Govt Primary School, Nagermutt, High School and PU studies from National Junior College, Barkur, completed his BA studies from St Mary’s First Grade College, Brahmmavara.

After securing his MA in History from Mangalore University, started a scholarly career in teaching in the University. He also completed his Doctoral studies i.e. Ph. D. and was elevated to be the Professor of History and Head of the prestigious Dept of History, in the University.

During his tenure has written many essays, articles and presented study papers history and sociology especially the fate and plight of neglected low caste people. He paid visits to many Universities abroad and resource person for seminars and higher studies. 

Dr Udaya’s sudden and untimely demise is a huge loss to History stream of the University and his admirers and students.

May Almighty Lord grant him eternal peace and strength to his bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss.

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