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DR.U.SHESHGIRI RAO – THE OTHER NAME FOR ‘HEALING TOUCH’. One man, since 1950, dedicated and spent his life, like a mission, in the service of humanity, in health care or medicine in our Barkur, and for a record over 50 long years is revered Dr. U.Sheshgiri Rao. When the Host of this popular web site, informed me of this good news of introducing Dr. Rao, to our visitor’s I said " this is a personality known to three generations, any attempt to draw the portrait of Dr. Seshagiri Rao, surely a half done job, hence keep me excused…." Medicine a science, all of us agree, but it is also an art – an art of healing, as it depends on how skillfully a professional medical practitioner, applies his knowledge when he deals with patients. The goals of Dr Rao must be - to save lives, to relieve suffering and to maintain the dignity of ill individuals, and they are the three corner stones on which the life and living of this, ‘living legend of Barkur’ crafted out. That is the secret, why he and his profession, are highly respected in this small town of Barkur. My knowledge in this field is elementary, but understand Dr. Rao is ‘a general practitioner’ who used to provide primary medical care, but many a times he was a ‘specialist’ for hundreds, as his was the last word to take anyone to Manipal or any sophisticated Hospitals. He was and is ‘a prophet’, as a case written-off by him hardly any chance of recovering, though he never told any of his patients so, but to close dependents in strict confidence. Many believed that if Dr. Seshgiri visit the ailing one at his home and once touched he / she is half cured, may we call it a great gift to him by Almighty! A BRIEF BACKGROUND: Born in Madras on 20th January 1925, in a Doctor’s family, as Dr. Sheshgiri’s father too was a Doctor by profession, and was transferred to Rural Hospital at Shankernarayana and hence Dr. Seshgiri’s elementary schooling up to 5th was completed here. Then to continue at Board High school Kundapur, to come out with the landmark, of those days SSLC. Later to continue his PUC in Govt. Arts College Mangalore, he moved to Mysore - it is the turn of prestigious St.Philomena’s College, for B.Sc. A profession of life time was awaiting and young Sheshgiri had to leave the College halfway, in the First year and called to Madras, to enroll in the then famous G.C.I.M. College (Graduate College for Integrated Medicine Course) a Five-year term course, after PUC, equivalent of present day M.B. B.S. A young dedicated medico is out to join as House Surgeon for training at Govt Hospital at Mangalore and later as a Medical Officer in a Primary Health Center for two years. Now it is the turn of historical Local Fund Hospital at Barkur, to have Dr.U.Sheshgiri Rao, for nearly more than a decade, as "Chief Medical Officer". In between a short duration of few months services at Govt. Hospital Shirva and Kokkarnne Govt. dispensary. HALF A CENTURY IN THE SERVICE OF MANKIND & BARKURIAN’S: During his services at L.F.Hospital Barkur, Dr. Sheshgiri was very famous not only in the locality for ‘Midas care’ but also nearby towns, at the time, when there were no good communications or roads not even bridge over river sita, and even the now famous Manipal Hospitals yet to be born, or at infancy. Once leaving the Govt. service in the year1965, the famous Clinic at the busy junction in the heart of Barkur, rightly nicknamed as a ‘Great Relief House’ for thousands!!.
Today, at the evening of his life at 79, Dr. Sheshgiri was / is found riding his scooter or accompanying his Dentist son Dr.Raj, to continue the legacy of three generations. Formerly an approved ‘Medical Examiner for L.I.C. of India’, he served for many years in various capacities in the prestigious Lions Club of Barkur-Brahmmavar, since its inception! A rare quality we have seen in him was / is he never craved for name or fame, but sincerely served and cured the sick, down trodden, haves and have-not’s with no discrimination or bias and had a special treatment with very low and fare charges, to economically poor people. When approached at mid-night or wee hours, he never said no to visit distant places. We have seen him firing few, for carelessness and insisting cleanliness next to Godliness. As I mentioned in the very beginning, this is only a half way effort, to give a partial glimpse of a great son of Barkur. On behalf of this Web site, we recognize, respect and thank Dr. U.Sheshgiri Rao, and honor him as "Personality of Month" We wish him a long, happy and peaceful life, with good health, surely not a retired life, as it is said a Doctor remain so, for lifetime!! On behalf of Barkur.com and the citizens of this Barkur. P.Archibald Furtado, Muscat, 22nd May 2003. Archives |
Barkur, located in Udupi Taluk, Karnataka, India. 576 210 |
Copyright Kishoo, Barkur 2002. |