
Solemn Thanksgiving Service by SPA Commemorates Fr. Alfred Roche's Birth Centenary at Bangalore

News n Pics : Monica Pinto

Bangalore, April 7, 2024: A poignant Thanksgiving Service reverberated through the halls of Sachchidananda, the Provincialate of the Capuchins at Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore, as St. Peter's Association (Barkur) Bangalore, orchestrated a heartfelt tribute to mark the birth centenary of the revered Fr. Alfred Roche. The event witnessed the devout presence of around 45 Barkurians, who gathered to honor the legacy of this exemplary figure.

Mr. Felix Menezes, President of the congregation, extended a warm welcome to the attendees, setting the tone for a ceremony steeped in reverence and gratitude. Rev. Fr. Patrick Crasta OFM (Cap) presided over the Mass, delivering a moving homily that illuminated the significance of reciting the Divine Mercy Chaplet and undertaking a nine-day novena, especially poignant as April 7th coincided with Divine Mercy Sunday. Fr. Crasta eloquently recounted Fr. Alfred's altruistic endeavors and his unwavering commitment to uplifting the faithful, sharing poignant testimonials that underscored the profound impact of his ministry. The ethereal strains of the choir, led by Michelle Pinto and Adeline Pinto, accompanied by melodious music performed by a Capuchin Brother, added a celestial dimension to the proceedings.

The culmination of the Mass was marked by a stirring hymn dedicated to Fr. Alfred, 'Khaltho bholo baap Alfred Roche amcho,' resonating with a sense of reverence and admiration for the venerable figure.

Post-Mass, Fr. Patrick enlightened the congregation about the latest developments in Fr. Alfred's ongoing pastoral endeavors, particularly highlighting the generous donation of land by the people of Kudru Vado to erect a chapel, a gesture emblematic of their enduring reverence for Fr. Alfred's memory. He expressed gratitude to all those involved in organizing the Thanksgiving Service, emphasizing its pivotal role in garnering support for the noble cause, with the ultimate aspiration of advancing Fr. Alfred's journey towards Beatification.

The proceedings drew to a close with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Mrs. Monica Pinto, Secretary of the association, acknowledging the collective efforts that had made the event possible. The gathering then adjourned for a sumptuous lunch, fostering camaraderie and fellowship among all present.

The Thanksgiving Service stood as a poignant testament to the enduring legacy of Fr. Alfred Roche, inspiring all those in attendance to emulate his profound dedication to serving humanity and fostering spiritual enlightenment. As the echoes of the hymns faded into the ether, the spirit of Fr. Alfred continued to illuminate the hearts and minds of all those touched by his benevolent presence.

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