St.Peter’s Association (Barkur) Mumbai, popularly known as SPA Mumbai considered as one of the premier associations of Mangaloreans in Mumbai, celebrated 26rd Annual Day and Patron Feast on 29th June 2014 at Marol, Andheri.
Along with celebrations in the native Barkur, SPA also celebrated the feast on the 29th.
The thanks giving mass was offered by Parish Priest Fr.Paulo at St.Vincent Pallotti church, at 0915 a.m. The Association members along with their family, Barkurians and well wishers attended the high mass. Followed by the Annual General Body Meeting at 11.30 a.m at Kashyap Hall, next to Church, Andheri East, and the celebrations and lunch thereafter.
President Mr.Peter Furtado welcomed the gathering after the prayer. Secretary Eric Carvalho read and confirmed minutes of last AGM held on 30/6/2013. Gen Secretary Ivan Rebello Addressed gathering and informed about activities conducted in the last year. Treasure Antony Dias read out to approve and pass accounts for year ended 31st March,2014.
Association has recently formed a Educational Fund with the help of donors, mainly Mrs.Gladys Sequeira & fly in memory of late Simplen Sequeira and Mr.Archibald Furtado in memory of Late Lawrence Sequeira. SPA contributed Rupees 3 lakhs to this eduducational fund. Arround 15 Children who have scored high marks in SSC, HSC,Graduation and Post Graduation were honoured with cash prizes.
President requested all the like minded people to donate generously so that more children will be benefitted in the near future.
Mr Felix Barnes announced the selection of new office bearers for next 3 years. Mr.Boniface Sequeira elected unanimously as President of the Association.
Other office bearers elected are :
vice Presidents - Mr Norbert Menezes, Mr Thimothy DSouza.
Gen Secretary - Mr Eric Carvalho
Jt Secretary - Mr Arthur Mendonca
Treasurer - Mr John Gonsalves
Co Ordinator - Mr Ivan Rebello
P.R.O. - Mr Jolvin Furtado
Event Manager - Mr Joylan Fernandes