
Barkur YCS Unit Embarks on New Journey with Fresh Leadership

-Sr.Jasmitha Crasta

The Young Catholic Students (YCS) unit of St. Peter's Church, Barkur, embarked on a new chapter with its first meeting under the leadership of YCS Director Rev. Father Ronald Miranda and Parish Council Vice President Mr. Joseph Fernandes. The gathering marked a significant transition, bidding farewell to the outgoing members while welcoming a fresh batch of enthusiastic youths into the fold.

The outgoing YCS members were celebrated for their dedicated service and commendable commitment to their roles and responsibilities. They shared their enriching experiences as part of the YCS unit, expressing gratitude for the unwavering support received from Rev. Father Ronald Miranda, the YCS Director of Barkur unit, and Rev. Father Rolwin Fernandes, the Kallianpur Deanery Director.

As the baton was passed to the new generation, the first-year members introduced themselves, officially becoming part of the YCS unit at Barkur. The event's highlight was the election process, where the youth democratically chose their representatives for the year 2024-2025. The elected members are as follows:

The newly elected leaders expressed their gratitude and commitment to upholding the values and objectives of the YCS unit, pledging to serve with dedication and integrity.

Rev. Father Ronald Miranda and Mr. Joseph Fernandes extended their heartfelt congratulations to the incoming team, expressing confidence in their ability to carry forward the mission of the YCS unit with zeal and enthusiasm.

The gathering was a testament to the vibrant spirit of the youth community at St. Peter's Church, Barkur. The outgoing members' contributions were acknowledged, and the incoming team's aspirations were celebrated, fostering a seamless transition and ensuring the continuity of the YCS unit's impactful work.

As the meeting concluded, the participants expressed their gratitude to God for His blessings and the timely support received from the parishioners of St. Peter's Church, Barkur. The YCS unit's commitment to spiritual growth, social service, and active engagement in the community's well-being was evident, setting the stage for a year filled with meaningful initiatives and positive impact.

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