
"Through a Child's Eyes: Eric L. Soans Crafts Monthi Festh's Musical Composition"

In the grand symphony of Konkani devotional music, a new melody has emerged, resonating with the crystalline tones of childhood wonder and spiritual devotion. Eric L. Soans, Barkur, a name that echoes with reverence in the hallowed halls of hymnal composition, has once again unfurled his creative wings, this time soaring into the realm of Monthi Festh celebrations with a creation that promises to be nothing short of miraculous.

Soans, whose previous works "Thururuthuthu" and "Viyol Veenya Sangi" have already etched their harmonies into the hearts of devotees, has long been recognized for his unique ability to distill complex spiritual concepts into musical notes that even the youngest souls can grasp and cherish. His compositions are not mere songs; they are bridges connecting the innocence of youth with the profound depths of faith.

As the air grows crisp with the approach of Monthi Festh, the beloved festival celebrating the birth of Mother Mary and the joyous harvest season in Coastal Canara, Soans has unveiled his latest masterpiece - a Konkani hymn that views this dual celebration through the wide-eyed wonder of a child. This composition is not just a hymn; it's a narrative, a story told in the universal language of music, promising to be as unprecedented as it is extraordinary.

But Soans is not alone in this musical odyssey. Joining him are two  rising tiny stars in the firmament of Konkani music: Gaurav Carvalho and Lisha Pasannah. Gaurav, the talented scion of Sushma and Praveen Carvalho from Barkur, brings a youthful vibrancy to the composition. Lisha, the gifted daughter of Maria and Ivan Pasannah from Hanehalli, Barkur, lends her voice, adding a layer of angelic sweetness to the already rich orchestration of sound.

This collaboration is more than just a meeting of voices; it's a convergence of generations, a passing of the torch from a seasoned composer to the bright-eyed inheritors of a rich musical tradition. Together, they create a symphony that is at once timeless and refreshingly new, capturing both the spiritual significance of Mother Mary's birth and the earthly joys of harvest.

To truly appreciate the nuances of this musical offering, listeners are encouraged to don headphones, creating an intimate cocoon where every note, every harmonic whisper, can be fully appreciated. As the music envelops you, let your imagination take flight. Picture the blessed event of Mary's birth intertwined with scenes of bountiful harvests, all seen through the pure, unfiltered lens of a child's perception.

This is not just a listening experience; it's an invitation to journey back to a time of uncomplicated faith and unbridled joy. As the melodies weave their spell, feel the years melt away, and rediscover the magic of Monthi Festh as if experiencing it for the first time.

In a world often dimmed by cynicism and doubt, Eric L. Soans, along with Gaurav and Lisha, offer a beacon of light - a reminder of the simple, profound joy that lies at the heart of this unique celebration of spiritual and agricultural abundance. This hymn is their gift, a musical manifestation of hope, wonder, and the enduring power of faith seen through the eyes of innocence.

Lyrics n Tune : Eric L. Soans, Barkur 

Music : Sangeeth Guru Joel Pereira, Bejai

Singers : Gaurav John Carvalho and Lisha Pasannah 

Audio : Assissi Studio, Mangalore 

Video : Pradeep, Manish Digitals, Barkur

Sponsors: Jayden, Ayden, Anola n Johnson Martis, (Barkur) Mumbai.

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