
A Tribute to Theresa Gonsalves: The Heart of Nagermutt

-Prof.P.Archibald Furtado

In the story of our lives, some individuals shine brighter than others, bringing warmth and color to our memories. Theresa Gonsalves was one such remarkable person, her life a testament to the power of community and care in shaping those around her.

 The Blessed Land of Nagermutt

A million thanks to God for the privilege of being raised in the wonderful hamlet of Nagermutt in the late 1960s. This densely populated Christian enclave was more than just a collection of houses; it was a living, breathing community where each household held a unique legacy, pleasant memories, and multiple reasons to be remembered.

Nagermutt was a place of enchanting beauty. Situated on the banks of the tributary Sita, known as Sankadi Saal, it offered panoramic views that could stir the soul. On one side lay lush paddy gardens and swaying coconut groves, while on the other, hills and canals framed the landscape, with the local school and Mutt adding to its significance. Though distant from the church, our ward boasted the highest number of families, enjoying a distinct presence in the parish community.

It is said that the physical environment shapes the mindset and nature of its inhabitants, and Nagermutt stood as living proof of this axiom. The serene surroundings and pleasant weather left an indelible mark on the character of its people, fostering a community spirit that was both rare and precious.

Theresa Gonsalves: The Beating Heart of the Community

At the center of this geographical and spiritual landscape stood the residence of Theresa Gonsalves. In an era before road connectivity, her home occupied a strategically significant spot - the very heart of the ward. But it wasn't just her home's location that made Theresa central to our lives; it was her boundless concern for every member of the community, especially the young and mischievous ones like myself.

Theresa possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of the ward's children. She knew not just our names, but which school we attended, what grade we were in, and even when our exams were scheduled. Her inquiries were met with playful evasions from some of us, at least until we reached high school. But her persistence was born of genuine care, often leading her to alert our parents about our academic progress - or lack thereof.

In today's world, where neighbors can be strangers, Theresa - or Tejju Aunty as we affectionately called her - made a profound difference. Her gentle prodding and sincere concern motivated many of us to take our studies seriously, shaping the course of our futures in ways we may never fully comprehend.

A Family United in Love

The Gonsalves household stood as a shining example of family unity. Under Theresa's nurturing guidance, they exemplified the kind of close-knit family that many aspire to create. Her influence extended beyond her immediate family, fostering a sense of belonging and affection among extended family members - a quality that seems increasingly rare in our modern world.

To Wilfiyab, Clariyab, Mark, John, and Ivan - your mother's passing is undoubtedly a profound loss. Yet, what a blessing it is to have shared 97 fruitful years with such an exceptional woman. The care and love you showered upon her in her twilight years is something many can only envy.

As we pray for the repose of Theresa's noble soul in heavenly grace, we extend our heartfelt condolences to all members of the family - the daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and all family and friends. Your loss is shared by all whose lives were touched by Theresa's boundless love.

A Legacy of Change

Theresa Gonsalves belongs to that rare category of blessed individuals who possess the power to effect positive change in the lives of others. Her influence on our community, and on me personally, is immeasurable. As we bid farewell to this remarkable woman, we do so with hearts full of gratitude for the life she lived and the example she set.

In our memories, Nagermutt will forever remain that idyllic haven of our youth, and at its center will always stand Theresa Gonsalves - a beacon of love, care, and community spirit. May her legacy continue to inspire us to look beyond ourselves and nurture the bonds that make a community truly special.

Rest in peace, dear Tejju Aunty. Your life was a beautiful song of love, and its melody will continue to resonate in our hearts for generations to come.

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