
Digital Gadgets Addiction Seminar Enlightens Students at SVVN English Medium School

-News n Pics : Bridget Gonsalves

In a proactive effort to tackle the growing issue of cellphone addiction among youth, SVVN English Medium School organized an insightful seminar on "Cellphone Addiction and Academic Focus". The seminar aimed to educate students about the perils of addictive behaviors and provide strategies to maintain focus on their studies.

The resource person, Mr. Girish M.N., M.Sc. in Psychopathology and Counseling, delivered an engaging discourse on various forms of addictions, including cellphones, smoking, and drugs. His expertise shone through as he guided the students with practical tricks to enhance their academic focus and overcome distractions.

Mr. Rajgopal Nambiar, the President of the school's Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), urged the students to seize the opportunity and glean maximum benefit from the invaluable session. His words resonated with the importance of parental involvement in combating addiction and fostering an environment conducive to learning.

The seminar witnessed an enthusiastic response from the students, with many coming forward to clarify their doubts and gain deeper insights. The interactive nature of the event fostered an open dialogue, empowering the young minds to confront their challenges head-on.

Presiding over the function, Head Mistress Mrs. Likitha Kothari underscored the school's commitment to providing a holistic educational experience that nurtures both academic excellence and personal growth.

The program commenced with a solemn prayer, setting the tone for the enlightening discourse to follow. Sagar from Standard 10 extended a warm welcome to the guests, while Anisha from the same grade introduced the esteemed resource person. Pooja and Vaishnavi, also from Standard 10, delivered the vote of thanks and conducted the program, respectively, showcasing the students' active involvement in the event's success.

Under the guidance of Mr. Nagendra Achar and Mrs. Bridget Gonsalves, the high school students participated in the seminar, which marked a significant step toward fostering a healthier and more focused learning environment.

As the digital age presents new challenges, initiatives like this seminar underscore the proactive approach of SVVN English Medium School in equipping its students with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of modern life while maintaining a steadfast focus on their academic pursuits.

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