
Happy 75th birthday Most Rev Dr Henry DSouza

Happy 75th birthday 

Most Rev Dr Henry DSouza

Your Excellency, Most Reverend Henry DSouza,

On this momentous occasion of Your Excellency's 75th birthday, we, the people of Barkur, send our heartfelt greetings and profound respect to you, our beloved former Assistant Parish Priest and now the esteemed Bishop of Bellary.

It brings us great joy to celebrate this milestone with you, as we fondly remember your time among us in Barkur. Though many years have passed since you served our parish, the seeds of faith you planted continue to bear fruit in our community. Your dedication, kindness, and spiritual guidance left an indelible mark on our hearts.

Your journey from an Assistant Parish Priest in our humble town to the Bishop of Bellary is a testament to your unwavering commitment to God's call. We have watched with pride as you've continued to shepherd the faithful, now on a larger scale, with the same passion and love you showed us in Barkur.

On this special day, we pray that the Lord blesses Your Excellency with continued good health, wisdom, and the strength to lead your diocese. May you find joy in reflecting on the many lives you've touched, including ours, throughout your years of service.

Happy 75th Birthday, Your Excellency! Know that your Barkurian family celebrates this day with immense gratitude for your past ministry among us and ongoing inspiration to us all.

May God's grace and blessings be abundant in your life today and always.

With love and reverence,

Your Global Barkurian family in Christ

St.Peter's Association (Barkur) Mumbai 

Emirates Barkurians 

Global Barkurian Charitable Trust 09/09/2024

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