Halekodi Ward people organised a All Community Christmas Gettogether 23rd December.

Gettogether was held at the residence of Gerald Gonsalves, Gurkaar of the ward. Karnataka Rajyothsava awardee, B.Shantharama Shetty, Ramabhat Sajangadde, Senior lecturer at NJC Pre University college Barkur, Abdul Mubarak, President, Rotary Barkur Sr.Marina D'Souza, Headmistress, Maryknoll High School, and Eugine Quadros, Vice President, Parish Council were the chief guests.

Ramabhat Sajangadde, Senior lecturer at NJC Pre University college Barkur delivered the Christmas Message of peace and harmony. Simon Suares , former Gurkar and his wife Lilly Suares and Rocky D'Almeida, former Gurkaar were felicitated for their services rendered over years.

lderly parishioners from the ward also felicitated on the occassion. Parish Priest Rev.Fr.Valerian Mendonca presided over the stage function and cut the cake along with other guests. A beautiful Christmas Tableu and other cultural programs presented by the ward people.