
Medicinal Plants and Shrubs Exhibition at SVV National Eng Medium High School

-With inputs from Prof. P. Archibald Furtado and Bridgit Gonsalves. Pics : Nagendra Achar and Bridgit Gonsalves 

Heradi Barkur, November 4, 2023 - SVV National English Medium School, located in the serene town of Heradi Barkur, hosted a remarkable event that brought together the realms of education, nature, and well-being. The occasion was none other than the Medicinal Plants and Shrubs Exhibition, an initiative that not only showcased the students' dedication to practical learning but also unveiled the rich world of herbal medicine to the entire community.

The event was graced by notable figures, including the newly appointed Correspondent, Mr. Rajaram Shetty, Mr. Archibald Furtado, the coordinator of Barkur Educational Society, Mr. Ramchandra Kamath, Correspondent of ITI Herady, and the Head Mistress of the school, Mrs. Likitha Kotary, along with the enthusiastic PTA President, Mr. Rajgopal Nambiar.

As the school buzzed with activity during the open house meeting, where teachers, parents, and wards gathered to evaluate progress reports, the star of the day was undoubtedly the Exhibition of Medicinal Herbs and Plants. Spearheaded by Mrs. Likitha Kotary and her dedicated staff, with the unwavering support of Mr. Rajgopal Nambiar, an Ayurvedic expert and the President of the PTA, the exhibition showcased the comprehensive knowledge and passion of students from Class 5 and onwards until Class X.

The students, with boundless enthusiasm, welcomed parents and visitors, introducing and explaining various shrubs, leaves, and potted plants. To make the exhibition even more fascinating, Mr. Nambiar contributed rare plants from his botanical garden in Siddhapur, adding a touch of uniqueness to the event.

The exhibition was thoughtfully divided into sections:

1. Short Charts: Neatly handwritten charts explained the medicinal values and properties of the plants, providing valuable insights into the world of herbal remedies.

2. Fact Cards: Concise fact cards provided information about each plant, allowing visitors to gain a deeper understanding of their uses and benefits.

3. Sapling Demonstrations: Visitors had the opportunity to observe actual plant saplings, enhancing the learning experience.

4. Flower Plants: In the side-wings, a delightful collection of flower plants further enriched the exhibition, showcasing the beauty and utility of various blooms.

The students proudly presented a range of saplings, including well-known herbs like Neem, Tulsi, Brahmi, Aloe Vera, Guduchi, Ajwain, Mint, and Calendula, to name a few. The charts and fact cards contained extensive information not only about these plants but also about other medicinal powerhouses like Amla, Lavender, Turmeric, and Ginger.

To make the event interactive, some students even prepared quiz questions for the parents regarding the exhibited plants and charts. This engaging activity led to fruitful interactions between the kids and parents, fostering a deeper understanding of the medicinal values of these plants.

Mr. Ramachandra Kamath, Correspondent of the National ITI, expressed his satisfaction with the event and the commitment of both students and teachers to innovative learning in the field of home medicine. He highlighted the practical knowledge gained by the students, empowering them to treat minor ailments such as coughs, headaches, and wounds. Mr. Rajaram Shetty, Correspondent of the school, also commended the students' dedication and their recent achievement of winning twenty-seven first prizes at the cluster level Prathibha Karanji, held at Maryknoll High School, Barkur.

Parents, who had come for the open house meeting, were overjoyed to witness this exhibition, as it not only showcased the academic prowess of the students but also enlightened them about the wonders of medicinal plants and herbs.

The Medicinal Plants and Shrubs Exhibition at SVV National English Medium School stands as a testament to the school's commitment to holistic education and the promotion of knowledge that bridges the gap between the classroom and the real world. It was a day that celebrated the fusion of education, nature, and community, leaving a lasting impact on all those who had the privilege of attending this enlightening event.

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