
New office bearers at helm of ICYM Barkur

The election for the new office bearers of ICYM Barkur unit were held recently, and new office bearers took charge after taking their oath on 15th July.

Jasmine Andrade               Relitsa Lobo


Jasmine Andrade, of Nagermutt, a student of second year B.Com at SMS College, Brahmavar, who served as the secretary last year was elected as the President. Relitsa Lobo studying at Poorna Prajna College, Udupi in Second year B.Com was elected as the Secretary. New office bearers elected are

President                                    Jasmine Andrade

Vice President                            Farrell Dias

Vice President                            Carolin Almeida

Secretary                                    Relitsa Lobo

Joint Secretary                            Nisha Fernandes

Treasurer                                    Suprita Lewis 

Cultural Secretary                       Lowzin Pereira

Sports Secretary                        Damian Fernandes

Joint Sports Secretary                Sheethal Roche


Lowzin Pereira


The elections for the office bearers of ICYM Kallianpur Varado Committee were during the youth convention held on 15th July at Brahmavar. Cultural Secretary elected, Lowzin Pereira of Hanehalli, studying in second year B.Com at SMS College, Brahmavar, was elected as the Vice President of the Varado Committee.

Team barkuronline.com congratulates the young and enthusiastic youth leaders on their election, and takes this opportunity to wish them success in their challenging roles.




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