
Vana Mahothsava initiative at Barkur Church

Vana Mahothsava initiative at Barkur Church

July 9th is celebrated as Vana Mahothsava in India, The Festival of forests. Udupi Diocese partake this as part of Laudato Si initiative by Pope Francis. As part of this environmentally conscious event, the Catholic Sabha and Environmental Commission of Barkur have joined forces to organize a unique celebration at St. Peter's Church in Barkur.

Laudato Si, which translates to "Praise be to you" in Italian, represents the opening words of the encyclical released by Pope Francis. These words are derived from St. Francis of Assisi's "Canticle of the Creatures," wherein the saint expresses gratitude to God for the goodness found in the natural elements such as the sun, wind, Earth, and water.

Embracing this initiative as a guiding principle, the Catholic Sabha and Environmental Commission of Barkur have envisioned an exceptional event to mark Vana Mahothsava. To promote environmental consciousness and sustainability, they have partnered with a renowned nursery to offer a diverse range of high-quality tree saplings at a reduced, reasonable rate.

Rev. Fr. Ronald Miranda, the Parish Priest, has passionately called upon all parishioners to seize this opportunity and join hands in protecting and nurturing the environment. Recognizing the significance of individual contributions, he emphasizes the importance of everyone's involvement in safeguarding the planet.

To facilitate the booking process, individuals who wish to secure saplings in advance can contact Pius James DSouza, the President of Catholic Sabha, Barkur, at +91 8792139648 or Praveen Carvalho, the Convener of the Environmental Commission, at +91 9448352405.

The forthcoming celebration of Vana Mahothsava at St. Peter's Church, Barkur promises to be a meaningful and impactful event, as it aligns with the global call for environmental stewardship and highlights the importance of preserving our natural resources. Through this collaborative effort, the Catholic Sabha and Environmental Commission aspire to inspire and empower the community to take responsibility for a greener and more sustainable future.


Pius James DSouza, President, Catholic Sabha, Barkur

Phone: +91 8792139648

Praveen Carvalho, Convener, Environmental Commission

Phone: +91 9448352405

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