
Archie's Corner

Is there a need of Teachers Associations in parish level?

As all of us aware, the New Diocese of Udupi took its birth on 15th October, 2012. The infant diocese marching ahead with lot many unique programmes…..One such revolutionary step was of forming of 18 Aayoga’s to involve majority of the parishioners and implement both diocesan and parish level objectives of liturgical / social programmes and make c...

Rev. Fr. Patrick Rodrigues..a priest with a difference.

The following three odd years, were marked with the renaissance of youth activities as he directed infant CYM group, which was just two years old…and catapulted it to be one most vibrant unit rightly in the then Kallianpur varado and even in the Diocese.

Brief History of Christians in Kallianpur Varado

During my youthful College days, in early 80’s at Milagres, Kallianpur, a question always haunting me was ‘why there are two churches within a furlong distance in Brahmmavar…..? Many a times I raised this question to my parents as well as priests… and didn’t get the convincing answer.

Miraculous wooden statue of St Peter the Apostle

Few of our elderly Barkurians may be aware of the practice to venerate a small but very attractive statue of St Peter the Apostle, our patron, on 29th June every year, in our Church at Barkur.

A marvelous Heritage Structure: St. Peter Church, Barkur.

All of us are aware of the much needed repair, restoration and maintenance of almost a century old Barkur Church Building has commenced since October, 2018.

A DECADE OF DRAMAS 1976 to 1987

This was the scenario about 30 –40 years back, there were no computers, no TV, no mobiles. In the whole town of Barkur there were only five land telephone lines.

Maryknoll Girls High School to Maryknoll High School


With love to my Friend John & cousin Joyce on their Silver Jubilee of married life

Indeed it’s a great day; John & Joyce are Celebrating 25 years of married life.


No doubt almost 10% of our life is closely associated with this primary School. In other words on an average 7 long years we spent in this almamator - mostly in studying, partly playing and as a whole enjoying

The myth of Bhutala Pandya or Apostle Bartholomew associated with The Ancient Coastal port town of Barkur

History is a subject always fascinates most of us, though many of us, so I am, not qualified enough to analyze the same, scientifically.