
Personality of the month

Rev Fr Mark Gonsalves

Now about 25 years ago, no one dreamt, even on that special evening on 4th February, 1981, in the well decorated Church of St. Peter, Barkur, while Bishop of Bellary Diocese Most Rev. Dr. Ambrose Yadanapally, ordained a simple, lean, tall man with holy oil in the presence of hundreds of faithful, will grow this height of success, in the service of...

Rev Fr Remigeous Aranha

60th Birthday Celebration of a devout Priest itself a milestone and we Barkurians are privileged to join Rev. Fr. Remigius Aranaha on this special occasion, while he concelebrates a high mass to thank Almighty on 1st October 2006.

Barkur Sudhakar Shetty

Barkuronline is proud to present our prominent Barkur Doddamane Sudhakar Shetty as our POM.

Mr N M Bhat of Barkur

We are happy to present Mr. N.M. Bhat, Senior Manager of Canara Bank in Brahmavar, as the P.O.M. for the month of May 2006.

Rev Fr Charles Lobo

 "Many are called, few are chosen."  Presenting Rev Fr Charles Lobo

Nrithya Vidushi Sushma Kamath

In good old days, the fine arts, music, dance, sculpture, painting, medicine or even reading and writing, were reserved to the chosen few, could be the upper class rich Brahmins running big temples and or to the kings and their petty kings.  It could be true to some extent even today. And, if one wants to dance, there are plenty of opportunities.  ...


Many a times we were startled to see some people, who believe and practice that ‘work is worship’, by letter and spirit and their own thirst for knowledge and imparting that knowledge to others is marvelous, irrespective of their advancing age! One such person is our respected Lecturer Shri. M.V.R.Acharya. Yes the term Acharya means teacher or guru...

Jerome John Fernandes

Year 2005, two great landmarks in the life of a man – as an employee of the Indian Post & Telegraphs Department celebrating 150 years of service to the nation and as the Director of Adarsh Youth Association Nagermutt – Pandeshwar, celebrating purposeful existence of 25 years in the service of community and youth of these twin wards of Barkur, The ‘...

Dr Barkur Shasthri, Ph.D.

Sir, I just typed Barkur on Internet, and about 300 ‘Barkur Shastry’ articles surfaced.  I am proud of your achievements! I have a duty to bring out your achievements to the Barkurian school or college students, so that they can emulate you especially in the field of education and research!”  After some dialogue, I managed to obtain a few facts fro...

Dr Niranjan Rao BAMS, MD

It is always remained not only our desire but also earnest effort to present, consistently one Barkurian as 'Personality of the Month'. The team short listed a dozen deserved men and women, but most of these great men / women hesitant, rather so humble, feel they hardly deserve such recognition / publicity. It become very difficult to extract prima...