
Historian Dr. Vasanth Shetty Memorial annual lecture at SMS College Brahmmavar

Dept. of History, under the leadership of Prof. Emanuel Lilith Kumar and the Management of the SMS College Brahmmavar, organized annual Dr. Vasanth Shetty Memorial lectures on his 22nd death anniversary in the college auditorium on Monday 18th February, at 10.00 a.m. 

The program was given a start with invoking Almighty’s blessings and Prof Robert Rodrigues, Dept. of History, extended a warm and homely welcome to the guests and the gathering. HOD, Dept. of History, Prof. E. Lalith Kumar, briefed the objectives, need, and process of such series of lectures every year and called upon the students to make best use of such programs and enrich their knowledge. Various resource persons were introduced by various faculty members and offered roses to welcome them. 

Dr. Akash Raj a proud descendent and inherent of the royal Alupa family which ruled Coastal Karnataka for more than 900 years, from Barkur throne, narrated the lineage of Alupa dynasty and referred the recently organized three days Alupotsava, at Barkur in January, 26th to 28th, is a welcome move by the Govt. to remember and preserve the glorious historical past. Monuments at Barkur and elsewhere to be preserved properly and care has to be taken to prevent commercialization of the event. He also offered families support and co-operation in this mission and encouraged students to study history in general and the Tuluva Culture, in particular, in days to come…..

   Mr. Archibald Furtado, a native Barkurian, a known column writer, remembered the legacies of great and legendry Dr. P. Gururaj Bhat, the founder Principal of Milagres College, Kallianpur, and Dr. Vasanth Shetty one of his proud student, followed in his guru’s footsteps, who continued his research work.  ‘Mr. B.V. Shetty was the first modern historian, who has done extensive, systematic and scientific research, exclusively confining to Barkur and his doctoral thesis will remain a valuable document to understand the Temple culture of the Coastal Karnataka’. While expressing his concern, ‘there is a trend in these days, every Tom, Dick and Harry attempt to infer history as per his / her own way. Many of these people distorted the facts…. and in few cases legendary stories were thrust upon and effectively made to misunderstand and made them believe as historical events. It’s not at all a healthy development…...’ Here the values and ideals of Mr. Shetty, stood for, needs a special mention, he said.

Dr. Shantaram Samak, neatly summarized the observations of both resource persons Dr. Akash and Mr. Furtado and lauded insightful talks and expressed his contentment in remembering a great learned man of our time and his contribution…….He also briefed his experiences at Barkur Vijaya Nagara fort during excavation work at about a decade back and restoration and preserving of these historical relics and monuments is need of the hour, he concluded.  

   Raghavendra Samaga, a proud old student of SMS College, serving for LIC of India, as Branch Manager, Udupi, shared his nostalgic moments with Dr. BV Shetty, then Vice Principal in 80’s, during the early inception years of the College. ‘A short life of just 47, but its worth of living, his human, kind and down to earth approach always a leading light in our path…’ he expressed.

   Mrs. Lavina Lewis, another old student and representing the OSC Management council, proud to state in her brief message, that Dr. Vasanth Shetty though looked serious but was a man of kind nature, he earned a name of recognition to this College at University level and sacrificed his time and energy for this institution.

   Prof Sreepada the Principal of the SMS College in his presidential address fondly remembered the guidance and dedication of a wonderful visionary in Dr. Shetty. Spending his personal funds he carried his research with passion and left behind a treasure of knowledge. Many of the contemporaries in the teaching faculty used to accompany him to Barkur every weekends as a part of research work and study of sculptures, statues and epigraphs…..He also thanked the Dept. of History for their special initiatives of this seminar and called upon students fraternity to utilize the facilities provided in the College to enhance their studies further…..

On this occasion, Dr. Vasanth Shetty memorial Scholarship / prizes were distributed to the deserving and outstanding students, for their exemplary achievements in the University Exams.

Lecturers Mr. Damodhar proposed vote of thanks and Mr. Prashanth, Dept. of History aptly compered the program to its perfection.
   Well-known Archaeological Historian, from Shimogga, Dr. Shantarama Samak, later arranged a power point explanations of the research work on devout ‘Bhakhta Kanakadasa’, excavations to un earth his Birth place in Shiggavi Bada Village, a landmark achievement in the history of Karnataka State…. and glimpses at his Karmabhoomi in Kaginele. While concluding he expressed his happiness and satisfaction as Dr. BV Shetty memorial lectures just not a formality but organizers made it to refresh, relive and revise his research and academic work in the larger interest of students and history lovers…

A three hours program well cherished by the students and faculty members, which concluded with lunch.

   Report and Photographs: Mr. Alfred Furtado, Lecturer SMS College, Brahmavara.

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