The installation of the new office bearers of Rotary Club, Barkur, Zone 2 RI dist 3180 was held recelntly at the Sankamma Thayi Resorts, Barkur. District Governor Jnana Vasantha Shetty, sworn in the new President Abdul Mubarak along with his committee members listed below.
President :Rtn Abbdul Mubarak
Secretary :Rtn PHF Sudhakar Rao
I.P.P :Rtn PHF Jayananda. M. Poojary
President Elect :Rtn U. K. Vasudeva Shetty
VP & Community Service :Rtn PHF N. Bojaraja Shetty
Club Service :Rtn PHF H. Govinda Shetty
Occasional Service :Rtn PHF K. Ganesha Vakuda
International Service :Rtn Seetharam S
New Generation Service :Rtn K. Jayaram Shetty.
District Project :Rtn PHF Srinivas Shettigar
Treasurer :Rtn H. Ganesha Bhat
Team take this opportunity to congratulate Rtn. Abdul Mubarak and his office bearers and wish them continued success in their endeavors.