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16th Deepothsava by Sabhya Friends

16th Deepothsava by Sabhya Friends

Two little girls of Barkur origin to feature in a Unicef Virtual Concert

Two little girls of Barkur origin to feature in a Unicef Virtual Concert

Two from Barkur selected for Kannada Rajyothsava Award

Two from Barkur selected for Udupi District Kannada Rajyothsava Award

Biography of Mr. Richard Carvalho, released for public in Mumbai

Biography of Mr. Richard Carvalho, released for public in Mumbai

A living legend of Barkur in Mumbai, Mr. Richard Carvalho to celebrate his 80th Birthday on 25th October, 2020

A living legend of Barkur in Mumbai, Mr. Richard Carvalho to celebrate his 80th Birthday on 25th October, 2020

Swadeshi Super Market, opened at Barkur

Swadeshi Super Market, opened at Barkur

Expressions Online, the virtual concert

Expressions Online, the virtual concert

Masaam by Antony Barkur bags prestigious KBM Goa Literary Award

Masaam by Antony Barkur bags prestigious KBM Goa Literary Award

Swasthik Upadhyaya bags first place in MD exam

Swasthik Upadhyaya bags first place in MD exam

Monti fest celebrations, with flowers, at Kudru ward

Monti fest celebrations, with flowers, at Kudru ward.

Live Monthi Festh Mass from Barkur

Main Mass Celebrants: Live Monthi Festh Mass from Barkur Rev Fr Philip Neri Aranha - Parish Priest, St Peter Church Barkur. Fr Joswin Praveen Dsouza

Monthi Festh Mass from Barkur

Monthi Festh Mass from Barkur on 8th September 2020

Smitha Kitchen, a new restaurant at Barkur

Smitha Kitchen, a new restaurant at Barkur

Expressions Online a virtual concert by The Expressions

Expressions Online a virtual concert by The Expressions

An appeal from Maryknoll Higher Primary School

An appeal from Maryknoll Higher Primary School