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Antique treasure in the collection of Venkaraman Bhandarkar in Barkur, displayed as the part of Alupa Utsava

Antique treasure in the collection of Venkaraman Bhandarkar in Barkur, displayed as the part of Alupa Utsava

Alupa Utsava Flower Show in Barkur

Alupa Utsava Flower Show in Barkur

Alupa Utsava in Barkur on 25th 26th and 27th January, 2019

Karnataka State Govt. always encourage tourism and none of the states have these variety of natural resorts, culturally rich places of worship, clean and safe beaches, good number of hill stations all...

Rockin Angels as far as I know, the first ever, Kids Band in Udupi

They are all set to rock you at Udupi... Rockin Angels as far as I know, the first ever, Kids Band in Udupi is all set to rock you in and around Udupi district. Brain child of Dolphy Mascarenhas of H...

In Goa, Glenn designed the bar menu and the layout for Ignia

I knew him as a mischievous, naughty boy who  was hell bent on being a spoilsport,  shouting our punch lines  beforehand  the actors while  we performed comedy skits, because he knew all the punchline...

Mangaluru: Anthu dominates first-ever Hyssna Global Konkani Cine Awards

Mangaluru, Dec 10: ‘Anthu' dominated the first ever Global Konkani Cine Awards, instituted by Hyssna International LLC and  Mandd Sobhann, which was held at Kalaangann, Shakthinagar here on Sunday, De...

Barkuru Brahmarathothsava

Barkuru Brahmarathothsava

Wilson Olivera Nite enthrals audience at Vile Parle

Fans of Konkani music had a memorable day on Sunday, October 30, as noted singer Wilson Olivera, who was on a sabbatical, was back on the stage to enthral large gathering at Navinbhai Thakkar hall, Vi...

Village to College Foundation

"Enabling Dreams of Education"

Annual Ganeshothsava Celebrations by Shettigar Industries

Annual Ganeshothsava Celebrations by Shettigar Industries

Celebrations of Nativity of Mary festival in Barkur

Celebrations of Nativity of Mary festival in Barkur

Ganeshothsava Celebrations begin in Barkur

This is the time in year when festivities takeover every corner of Barkur. This is the festival of Lord Ganapathi, popularly called Ganesh Chathurthi or Ganeshothsava. Like always Lord Ganapathi has a...

Multifaceted Multitalented Multitasking Alwyn Andrade Moodahadu Barkur

He is an ace cameraman both with moving and still images dancing to his tunes.

Programmes conducted in MHS for the occasion of Golden Jubilee

The series of programmes are being conducted in Maryknoll High School Barkur since the inauguration of Golden Jubilee Celebration of the school. Here is a small report on the ones conducted till date.

Chaaturmasya Vritacharane at Kaalikaamba Temple Barkur

Chaaturmasya Vritacharane at Kaalikaamba Temple Barkur