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Fr. Tony



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Dear brothers and sisters, and the viewers of this web site, I am Fr. Joseph Anthony Andrade better  known as Fr. Tony Andrade. I was born and brought up in Barkur. My primary education was in Barkur. In 1980 I joined the seminary to become priest and was ordained to the Holy Order of priesthood on the 19th of December, 1992. I served a short period of time in Bangalore (India) and then went to the USA to serve in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis in the state of Minnesota. Presently I am the parish priest of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church located in St. Paul, Minnesota (visit our web site:-

I Hope and pray this column "Spiritual Corner" will inspire many viewers of our web site. As all of us know the need of spirituality in our daily life. We walk our faith journey trusting in God our creator and we are certain one day we will meet our creator God in Heaven. Meanwhile here on earth we need good insights to enlighten our minds and hearts in our spiritual life. in this column I will write articles which will be short and precise that may help our interested viewers to reflect on their own spirituality. I welcome others also to share their articles and reflections. This column is open to all the faith denominations. What is important is that we inspire each other on our own spiritual journey.

My sincere thanks to Kishoo de Barkur, the designer of this beautiful web site, and for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts and reflection on our web site.

Fr. Joseph Anthony Andrade

Why Pain?

Why suffer in pain??

This is an interesting question to all of us. But one way or the other we all go through some pain and suffering in our lives. It can be physical, mental, or emotional pain. Sometimes it may come in the most unexpected ways. As human beings we are bound to go through the suffering process of pain. No one willingly or freely embraces pain or suffering, but as we walk our life journey we encounter many crosses of pain and sorrow as part of our daily life. As we welcome the joyful and happy moments of our lives, likewise we also should be able to take pain and suffering as part of our life.

When I was a hospital chaplain at United and Children’s Hospital I came across many people who underwent all kinds of suffering and pain in their lives. Fortunately, many of those patients also had the gift of ‘hope’ that someday they would get better and be free of the pain and suffering in their life.

I certainly don’t bear pain with gladness! I don’t know about other clergy!! I personally don’t like pain, but in giving advice to others about how to handle their pain and suffering, I need to remember there are many things to be considered when dealing with pain.

We should realize, for example, that pain is not a good to be sought after in itself. Pain is unpleasant, although necessary at times for our well being. Pain lets us know when our body is at risk. Without pain, we might succumb to disease or accident, unaware that our body is under attack.

But once pain has provided us with the notice that something is wrong, we need to remember the pain can and should be relieved. We all should pay attention to the statement that patients need to have their pain relieved as much as possible because it will help them to recover faster. Furthermore, recovery from suffering and pain is not just a medical goal. It is a goal of our Church as well.

Jesus performed miracles of healing to free people from their suffering and pain. He sent his apostles to heal the sick by anointing them with oil and praying over them (Mk. 6:12-13). He inspired the Church to establish hospitals and clinics throughout the world to bring relief to the suffering.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church notes that Christ identifies himself with those who suffer: “I was sick and you took care of me.” (Mt. 25:36). It adds, “His preferential love for the sick has not ceased through the centuries to draw the very special attention of Christians toward all those who suffer in body and soul.” It is the source of tireless efforts to provide comfort.

Jesus thereby teaches us, through the Church, to relieve pain and suffering whenever possible. This is the high vocation of nurses and physicians, and all other health care professionals. It is also a calling for every other follower of Jesus. A mother who comforts her child and bandages a cut finger is relieving pain. So is a father who kisses away a child’s hurt. So are those who visit a friend in the hospital, prays for the sick, or comforts the dying. All such efforts to relieve pain continues the mission of Jesus in our church today.

Today, great advances are being made in understanding and alleviating pain. Pain treatment centers have been established in many places, bringing together specialists to study and relieve pain. New forms of technology, such as machines that allow an individual to self administer pain medication, are now available.

Of course, one realizes we cannot escape all suffering. Some aches and pains are unavoidable, and we must learn to bear them graciously. Recently, I read the wise observation of an elderly woman, badly crippled by arthritis, who nevertheless remained cheerful: “Some pain is inevitable. Misery is optional.” She made the distinction between pain and how we react to it. Jesus didn’t enjoy suffering, but He endured it patiently for us. In imitation of Jesus, and in union with Him, we can offer up unavoidable sufferings for the good of others, for the “sake of His body, that is, the Church.” (Col 1:24).

Fr. Tony Andrade.


Barkur, located in Udupi Taluk, Karnataka, India. 576 210

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